Monday, May 19, 2014

Islam, As Actually Practiced

A Christian woman in Sudan, Meriam Ibrahim, has been sentenced to death, after receiving 100 lashes, because she is Christian. Under Sharia, she is legally Muslim, because her father (who abandoned the family when the woman was a child) is Muslim, therefore legally she is defined as Muslim. She refused to recant and to "rejoin" a religion she never held, because her mother is Christian and that is the life-long faith of the woman. The Sudanese court has allowed her to deliver her baby, then she is to be tortured and executed. Islam is not the religion of peace, as they claim; it is a forced religion/government/culture which kills readily and often.

1 comment:

Robert Coble said...

"Islam is not the religion of peace, as they claim; it is a forced religion/government/culture which kills readily and often."

Maybe this explains the gushing support that Leftists exhibit for Islam. (Unfortunately for Leftists, that is NOT a two-way street.) Both advocate for coercive government to enforce their ideology; both support forced killing of those who do not conform to that ideology. Got drones? Got abortion? Both are mere means to the Utopian end.

No "war on women" there, folks!

Or, maybe the common link is their hatred of Christianity, and the desire to eradicate any and all advocates of it and all vestiges of it from "civil society" (as "civil society" is defined by them).

For Islamists, it is a demonstration of the "peaceful" nature of Islam. For Leftists, it is a demonstration of "tolerance" and "diversity." After all, both of these cultures are equally valid; no culture is superior to any other culture (except for Islam and Leftism).

Ms. Meriam Ibrahim's heretical, contrary and inferior, opinion does not count as having any cultural value or validity. Consequently, she must be killed for the greater good. It's just your basic utilitarian consequentialism in practice.