Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lady K Disses Feminism

Lady K:
"Feminists in the USA, blinded by an ideology that forces them to see everything through the lens of gender, see a land overflowing with plenty, and question why there are not additional entitlements. Females in developing countries seek fundamentals, and understand what it is like to have their natural rights, like the freedom to pursue their own happiness, denied to them. In America, we enjoy 2014. The environments of those countries still seeking freedom (or having just newly discovered it) for female voices, are back at the starting line American suffragettes passed almost 94 years ago. Their struggle for a voice is undoubtedly overpowered by the louder, more prominent voices of American feminists who seek neither the fundamental nor the fair, in favor of a militant thirst for the superfluous.

American feminists, YOU are the tiny elite — bellowing about your faux victimhood while dwelling in freedom. Those American women who laudably fought for basic civil rights (such as voting) are long gone, and you revere a leftist wave of feminism and call it sacred.

Denial is cozy, is it not?"

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