Friday, September 19, 2014

Givng Obama Amnesty and the Right to Act as a Presidential Criminal

The Democrats in the US Senate voted for Obama's post presidential amnesty yesterday, but it failed in a 50/50 vote. Those Dems who are in critical races to save their seats voted against it. It's clear that in a Republican Senate, Obama could never get amnesty for past and future crimes. So the vote had to occur before the elections this Fall.

But the legalization of presidential crimes is too egregious for even the Leftist ignoranti who vote for the barely concealed totalitarianism of Democrats normally. So the vote failed on probability grounds - those who vote for it probably would suffer for that vote in this election. But those who have elections in following cycles know that their voters will have forgotten the whole thing by then, and will vote for their food stamps like always.

Tangentially related:
Only 36 percent of Americans can name the three branches of government
The term "ignoranti", is justifiable on many levels. Good work, American government schools.

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