Friday, September 5, 2014

Mehta and Humanism

Over at Mehta's "Friendly Atheist" site, he has posted a reader's image without critique. I reproduce the image here:

This is a cartoon in the form of a chart. Let's take the items one at a time, Christian side first.

First, Christianity is based on the admonition to "question everything". There are a great many churches who invite non-believers to bring their concerns to the fore and discuss them. While there is some point where Atheism as a belief diverges from Christianity as a belief, there is plenty of dogma on the Atheist side to which a Christian would have to assent in order to convert from Christianity to Atheism.

For example, Philosophical Materialism and its offshoot, determinism, are requirements, and anyone presupposing dualism is rejected as an incompetent Atheist. Also: the immaculate conception of the universe, of the laws of physics, of mind, of consciousness, and of life on earth as well as the denial of agency and free will, are all necessary dogmas under Atheism.

Second, Christianity is divisive both when it is abused by Christians, and when Atheists become incensed at having moral consequences injected into their way. But under biblical Christianity, their is no abuse, except for the placement of moral consequences onto a libertinist populace. What Atheists see as abuse actually is the limitations of human actions, which they want none of. And rejection of limitations of human actions is precisely what produced the Atheist atrocities visited on very large portions of humanity by Atheist governments.

Third, Atheists are ignorant of the science which they promote as their own. There are no Atheist scientific "Facts", as touted in the chart; there are merely scientific contingent factoids, most of which are failing to produce any real knowledge at the moment due to being incomplete or flat out wrong. Atheists who make the claim in the chart are illiterate in both current science and extablished logic. Not to mention the philosophy of science.

Also, Atheists (who hate literalism) always take every sentence of the Bible literally. While there are a few Christians who do this, it is neither necessary nor sufficient for the theist to argue theism without fear of refutation.

Fourth, as discussed above, questioning and doubt are NOT disallowed by Christianity. To make this claim, the Atheists has to be either ignorant about that which he makes claims, or he is dishonest in making them.

Now let's discuss the Humanist side of the chart:

First, "socialized ethics" is not a morality, and not all humanists adhere to it. (First Humanist Manifesto). The idea of basing ethics in a social environment is merely situational ethics. And situational ethics is not ethical at all, and definitely not a set of moral principles. The idea that humanists subscribe to a set of common morals is false.

Second, humanists use a purely materialist belief in "reality", which they do not question, nor attempt to prove in any fashion. Nor do they question their Atheism, or their lack of real morals, or their personal elitism, or their concept of utopia made in their image, or anything of their own creation. In fact, the only questioning they do is of cartoon religion. They do not address actual theist claims, ever, because they cannot. Nor do they ever prove their own beliefs, because they cannot.

Third, the reason that Atheists and humanists are distrusted is NOT for using reason; they are distrusted because their morality is unknown and unknowable, being either situational, Leftist totalitarian, or personally congruent elitism (or all three or none). So this pitch is an attempt to claim victimhood from the high ground, which humanists do not actually occupy.

Just because humanists like to "think up" some morals that they want everyone to accept and adhere to, does not make the humanist a reasoning creature, much less rational. If anything, the New Man humanist is a wannabe dictator, who very likely wears a Che tee-shirt and demands economic equality for himself, to be taken out of the possessions of others and redistributed to him.

Humanism is a pretend space where intellectual miscreants gather to propose their victimhood to each other, and to fantasize their elitist, messiahist takeover of society while marching arm in arm toward their personal control of the global utopia in their religion-hate-fevered minds.

By publishing such falseness, Mehta demonstrates once again that he is not actually "friendly", but publishes false accusations and hate propaganda frequently.


Rikalonius said...

Atheists are cowards. They know that Islam will cut their heads off without a scintilla of guilt. They perpetually rely on Christian charity, even taunting Christians who get angry to obey the dogma that the Atheist claims is rubbish. Islam is not kowtowed which is why the ACLU or the Freedom from Religion Foundation will never been seen bringing their litigious mercenaries to bear on schools who accommodate Islam.

Phoenix said...

Harris has a new book coming out September,titled Spirituality without Religion.
Funny how these Materialists are still appropriating our parlance and concepts.They want "material spirituality",a contradiction in terms as well as ethically.
Materialism is excessive worldly concerns and spirituality is the constraints on materialism.

With a non-coherent title,I'm certain the contents of the book is bound to be littered with contradictions too.

Phoenix said...

Mehta mentions Atheists morals but he does not give us any indication how they're derived.We are to assume they're based on scientific principles.

Harris also mentions in Moral Landscape that science determines morality but instead of showing his readers the scientific evidence for moral principles,he just gives analogy after analogy.Harris also redefines science in a much broader context that no longer limits scientific evidence to empirical,falsifiable and experimental data that are consistent with mathematical formulas.He basically lowers the bar for Atheism.Yet the impossible standard of evidence for Dualism still persists.

Steven Satak said...

I wonder if we've yet reached the point spoken of by C.S. Lewis' Uncle Screwtape, a senior devil in the Lowerarchy of Hell, who writes to his nephew:

"I have high hopes that we shall learn in due time how to emotionalise and mythologise their science to such an extent that what is, in effect, belief in us, (though not under that name) will creep in while the human mind remains closed to the Enemy [God]. The "Life Force," the worship of sex, and some aspects of Psychoanalysis may here prove useful.

If once we can produce our perfect work--the Materialist Magician, the man, not using, but veritably worshipping, what he vaguely calls "Forces" while denying the existence of "spirits"--then the end of the war (between Heaven and Hell) will be in sight."