Thursday, September 11, 2014

Obama's Legacy as Predicted From Both Left and Right

NAH, HE’LL BE REMEMBERED FOR BEING A FUCK-UP, TOO: Michael Moore: A hundred years from now, Obama will only be remembered for being the first black president.

Also, although — as I predicted — Obama’s portrayal has gotten steadily “blacker” as his problems have mounted, I expect a post-term revisionism that will stress his privileged white background, concluding that he wasn’t a “real” black President at all. Expect this to peak around 2025-2030.

I don't know... some 40% still approve of Obama, and some of them write history books. The world will look far different by 2025-2030, because Obama will screw up the containment of the Islamic Caliphate (he can't help it, it's what he does because it's who he is). Obama wants the US to be a third rate, third world country; he'll stay on that track.

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