Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Picking Planned Parenthood's Pocket?

Washington Examiner:
Planned Parenthood pushes back on over-the-counter contraception

"Planned Parenthood opposes over-the-counter contraception, pushing back against a popular Republican argument being used in many Senate races this year.

The nonprofit's lobbying arm, which advocates for women's reproductive health issues, argued that calls for allowing birth control pills to be sold without a prescription are "empty gestures."

The policy change would "force women to go back to the days when they paid out of pocket for birth control — which can cost upwards of $600 a year," Planned Parenthood Action Fund wrote on its website.

The statement also noted that no prescription drug manufacturer has applied for their pills to be made available over the counter."
And from TownHall:
"Case-in-point. Colorado Republican Congressman and U.S. Senate Candidate Cory Gardner has suggested birth control pills should be over-the-counter as part of his campaign platform and stance on women's health. Instead of applauding Gardner's approach, which would greatly expand women's access to birth control, Planned Parenthood has come out against him. The justification? Obamacare and government dependence for women is better.

"If Cory Gardner and others were serious about expanding access to birth control, they wouldn’t be trying to repeal the no-copay birth control benefit, reduce Title X funding for birth control, or cut women off from Planned Parenthood’s preventive health services. This is simply a cynical political attempt to whitewash his terrible record and agenda for women's health. The reality is that Cory Gardner’s proposal would actually cost women more by forcing them to pay out of pocket for the birth control that they are getting now at no cost thanks to the ACA. We would welcome a sincere conversation about expanding birth control access for women - sadly Cory Gardner has not offered one," Planned Parenthood Action Fund Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens said in a statement.

Big government leftists like Laugens wage their own war on women by making them more dependent on government and by treating them like victims. Planned Parenthood wants to limit access to contraception so long as it's "free" with a prescription through big government mandates in Obamacare and 100 percent higher healthcare premiums for women overall, proving that this isn't about access to birth control, but instead making women dependent on Uncle Sam at all costs. "
Now who could have guessed that Planned Parenthood would not want to prevent unplanned, unwanted pregnancies? Despite their false name, PP fully depends on unplanned, unwanted pregnancies. Without them, the killing business would dry up. So any attempt to address those pregnancies with easily obtained drugstore contraception flies in the face of their business plan. If you're not pregnant, you don't need Planned Parenthood for an abortion, do you?

So their protestation is blatantly phoney. Their concern is not for out of pocket expense, which can be as low as $140 per year. It impacts Planned Parenthood's mail order pill business, as well as impacting their abortion business.

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