Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Rotherham Ignored

1,400 Girls Are Raped in Rotherham, and Feminists Don’t Care

"You might expect this would be a feminist field day. After all, rape is their favorite and most important issue, the original sin of the male sex, and the primary source of their victim power. So, tipped off by an article by Ian Tuttle in the National Review, I took a look to see what they had to say. And what I found was … nothing. Complete and total silence.

As of this writing, Google can find no mention of Rotherham (except for one or two discussion comments) at any of the feminist websites I examined: Feministing, Feministe, Bitch Magazine, Ms. Magazine, Bust, Crunk Feminist Collective, Jezebel, Broadsheet, and The XX Factor. Progressive news sites including MSNBC, Daily Kos, Think Progress, and Truthout were also completely silent on this topic.

Let’s take Feministing as an example. Demonstrating the feminist obsession with rape, there are currently five links to articles discussing rape or sexual assault on the front page of this well known feminist blog: The Police Violence We Aren’t Talking About, 17 Beliefs About Sexual Assault That Are Totally Wrong, UNC-Chapel Hill revamps sexual assault policy, California legislature passes “yes means yes” bill, and Why the anti-rape nail polish doesn’t work in a nutshell. But no word about 1,400 girls groomed, gang raped, prostituted, and beaten, repeatedly and over many years. Absolute silence.

What’s going on here? Why isn’t there a feminist feeding frenzy over a topic with so many lurid details, so many juicy examples of society’s violence and indifference to women?

There are two facts that explains their silence. The perpetrators were Pakistani Muslims. And the victims were white."
I think that there is slightly more than just that. The criminal enablers were strictly obeying the Leftist principles of Tolerance, Non-Discrimination, and Inclusion on top of their fear of Islamic-style retribution. In fact, their fear of being booted out of the Leftosphere by implicating the serial kidnapper-rapists was probably the greater fear. So they used their Leftist principles as justification for enabling the atrocities. Further, I doubt that there is any serious soul-searching or conscience-aching amongst these Leftists, because they did not violate their Leftist principles and thus see no error in their ways.

Perhaps the above explanatory analysis is correct: For the Left, Muslims are always the Victims; whites are always the Oppressors. The designated Victims have the moral right to their activities, be they terror, beheadings, kidnappings or rape. On the other hand, whites always deserve what they get. That is morality as viewed through the Leftist kaleidoscope.


Richard said...

Feministing has something about it on their site right now.

Richard said...

It is also up on Jezebel.

Stan said...

Those are both news accumulators without substantial analysis or comment. I imagine that sooner or later the radical commenting feminists will have to confront this, or lose even more respect.