Sunday, October 5, 2014

New Model Will Fight AGW Skeptics, Based on "Highly Accurate Estimates"

Scientists to ‘fast-track’ evidence linking global warming to wild weather
Aim is to thwart sceptics from dismissing extreme event as 'natural weather variation'

"Scientists are to challenge the climate-change sceptics by vastly improving the speed with which they can prove links between a heatwave or other extreme weather event and man-made changes to the atmosphere.

It typically takes about a year to determine whether human-induced global warming played a role in a drought, storm, torrential downpour or heatwave – and how big a role it played.

This allows climate sceptics to dismiss any given extreme event as part of the “natural weather variation” in the immediate aftermath, while campaigners automatically blame it on global warming.

By the time the truth comes out most people have lost interest in the event, the Oxford University scientists involved in the project say.

They are developing a new scientific model that will shrink to as little as three days the time it takes to establish or rule out a link to climate change, in large part by using highly accurate estimates of sea surface temperatures rather than waiting for the actual readings to be published – a process that can often take months.

“We want to clear up the huge amounts of confusion around how climate change is influencing the weather, in both directions. For example, the typhoon in the Philippines that dominated the UN climate change talks in Warsaw last November and that many people put down to climate change – it turned out it had no detectable evidence. And the same goes for Hurricane Sandy,” Dr Friederike Otto, of Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute, told The Independent.

But there are plenty of other cases where climate change is likely to have been involved, she said. Examples include last year’s record heatwave in Australia – the severity of which an eminent scientist concluded this week “was virtually impossible without climate change” – and the flooding in the UK at the start of the year, which Dr Otto’s department has just established was made 25 per cent more likely by global warming."
I thought the term was "climate chaos"... no wait, that was last week; now it is "climate justice". No matter. They will now be making these declarations based on guesses which they claim are highly accurate, and of course, who is to challenge that? Without actual data, they can claim both cause and accuracy without fear of contradiction. As for a 25% increase in probability, that might change the numbers from, say, 80% to 100%. And it did happen, of course, so 100% is retroactively the correct answer. But 80% is pretty darn high all by itself, without any help from AGW. The reasoning of the true believers is, as usual, suspect.


Steven Satak said...

I love how they take their own prounouncements as license to move from 'likely' to percentile increases - 25%, etc.

We'll never know if it's 25% or not more likely, because the original is never presented (and quite rightly, because it is impossible to know what it was).

I am reminded of commercials for laundry soap that shout "NOW - with 25% more freshness!" 'Freshness' is subjective and the original value, if there ever was one, is not in evidence. So the entire claim to have a 'new, improved' product on hand is bogus. The very fact that they use such a method to promote it steers me away from the product.

So, too, the climate justice warrriors insisting - because they're smarter than we are and they know what's best - that things are SO MUCH WORSE because of man-made climate change. I steer clear of them because of this sort of palaver. They're throwing shit up on the walls and waiting to see what ignorant SOB will buy off on it and guarantee them another few years of power.

And there's no shortage of ignorant SOBs out there with a vote. If there were, the internet scams would die overnight. I remember seeing 'lucky' four leaf clovers being sold for a dollar in the Weekly World News. Found out from a friend that you received a blurb and a genuine green four leaf clover - printed on paper. You got what the ad said you would get. But folks inferred what they wanted and some fellow out there made a couple million selling fake four leaf clovers.

Same thing is happening here. I see a bubble of stupid, Stan, and lots of folks are gonna get hurt when it pops.

Robert Coble said...


That reminds me of the "Star Registry." For a paltry $35, you can have YOUR NAME attached to a star AND "registered" in a computer database. You get an "official" certificate of the registration so that no one else who registers with that company can rename YOUR star.

My question (apparently a little too simple for the "simple minded"):

Why do I have to send $35 for the certificate? I can create my own certificate on my own computer with MY NAME "officially" attached to any star I choose. In fact, I can attach MY NAME to as many stars as I want - FOR FREE.

It works the same as the Prophet Al Gore's High Church of the Global Climate Cooling/Warming/Changing/Disrupting/Chaos. There is no "god" but Scientism, and Her Profit is Al Gore. The Prophet Gore sells "indulgences" through a company he owns. (Isn't that special?!?) Anyone who dares to question the Profit Al Gore shall be condemned to utter darkness, as soon as he can extinguish all incandescent light bulbs, yea, even electricity produced by any fossil fuel.

A mere "bubble of stupidity?"

Sorry, I see stupid people EVERYWHERE, breeding like carrion flies and voting for this insanity.

BTW, I do know the difference between "Prophet" and "Profit." Apparently, the simple minded do not.

Robert Coble said...

An additional thought:

The AGW crowd has been peddling this nonsense solely on the basis of computer models, using selective data points that "support" the models. Since it has been proven that their models do NOT reflect long-term trends AND that they are willing to fudge or ignore any counterfactual data, it is not surprising that they would shift to making estimates. That's a continuation of what they have been doing all along.

Follow the money, Honey! No global catastrophe, no global cash machine for the "researchers" who are peddling this nonsense.

W-A-G? No, S-W-A-G: Scientism-Wild-Ass-Guessing.

(Maybe that's what all those popular T-shirts really mean that reference "SWAG.")