Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Speaks For Itself:

March for Science Organizers Don’t Want Bill Nye as Leader Because He’s a ‘White Male’


Steven Satak said...

Damn. That pegged my Irony Meter right the hell out.

I'm gonna have to get it re-calibrated, apparently. This isn't the first time the Left's Narrative has begun to self-cannibalize, but it would be the first time I DIDN'T see someone tap-dancing - trying to explain why old white male hetero Bill Nye isn't REALLY a member of the Patriarchy.

Robert Coble said...

Wait for it - he'll be "coming out" any day now. . .

Stan said...

Huge laugh, and thanks for it!
Come to think about it, actually he already "identifies" as a scientist...

Unknown said...

So what happens when some poor woman of color, hopes falsely raised by those two "women of color", upon finishing her doctorate, discovers to her horror that she's been condemned to spending the rest of her life working in an overwhelmingly non-female, non-colored profession? Does she sue the March for Science for fraud?