...The Death of YouBut it is OK: Hive-think wastes no energy on creative heresies. Hive-think is calm. Very calm. So very, very calm. Hive-think is the installation of purposeful necrosis into the frontal cortex. You no longer need to know what you thought you knew. Hive-think is here and waiting for you. See your local Donk, and get yours installed today... You'll be perpetually smirkingly smug, and so glad that you are.
"The point of all this is as it relates to what we see going on in America with the slow removal of Christianity from the culture. The ruling class long ago converted to the new religion of multiculturalism. They have been slowly erasing the old religions from the public institutions and replacing it with their own. Now they have moved into private institutions by forcing Christians to worship at the altar of multiculturalism. The next step, and there are already rumblings, is to force churches to adopt gay marriage or face sanction.
Christianity is not the only religion under assault. The soft, civil religion of Americans, based on equality before the law, individual liberty and the right to be left alone is being erased. The tearing down of Confederate statues is one example. The elimination of freedom of association is another. The rule of law, of course, has been eliminated long ago when the Talmudic parsers cooked up the idea of a living Constitution. The law is now just an endless round of hairsplitting and a morality of convenience.
The toppling over of confederate statues is often seen as a final sweeping up after the Civil War. First they came for the Confederate flags and now they are coming for the statues. Next they will be digging up the graveyards. That’s all true, but it is also an effort to erase America’s past. There are calls to topple over the statue of Jefferson at the University of Virginia. It will not be long before Washington, Franklin, and the rest of those evil pale penis people, who founded the nation, are ruled out of bounds on moral grounds.
The whole point of the exercise is to cut the people off from their past, by taking away their religion and civil institutions. It’s tempting to think of globalism in purely economic terms, but it is more than that. It is a war on the people who make up nations. It is a direct assault on the very idea of a people. If they can destroy the civil institutions and erase the past, they will destroy the identity of the people and the very rationale for countries. The post-national paradise, therefore, is the post-you world. It is the death of you."
A former 40 year Atheist analyzes Atheism, without resorting to theism, deism, or fantasy.
If You Don't Value Truth, Then What DO You Value?
If we say that the sane can be coaxed and persuaded to rationality, and we say that rationality presupposes logic, then what can we say of those who actively reject logic?
Atheists have an obligation to give reasons in the form of logic and evidence for rejecting Theist theories.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
The Killing of History; The Murder of Customs; The Assassination of Morality; Your Sovereigns will finally Remove the You from You...
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