Saturday, January 27, 2018

Don' Need No Steenking Laws

America's Constitution is terrible. Let's throw it out and start over.
Let's see.
1. No more filibusters (even though Democrats used them prolifically before ObamaCare and the Harry Reid Nuclear Option, used by the Democrats).

2. Dump the entire US Constitution, because it gets in our way and it's evil. Plus, "...highly vulnerable to an extreme right-wing fringe that protects itself with gerrymandering and other cheating tactics."

Democrats are the historical extreme artists of gerrymandery, drawing jagged lines around black communities so that white votes wouldn't have any effect on that (tiny) district. They've done it for a dozen decades.

As Pelosi said, "Constitution? Hahahahahahahah!

And change House member's term from 2 years to four. This would undoubtedly put votes for House seats in the same year as presidential elections, which are the only years when most blacks vote.

3. "Neuter the Senate." Take away all of Senate's power. That way big city populations get total control.

4. Elect the president from the House. "The separate executive branch is a major factor behind the rise of the lawless imperial presidency in the United States." Especially under Democrats (Obama's pen and phone). Gotta get rid of the Electoral College: it sometimes works against the Democrats, even when electors are threatened and bribed.


I have a better idea: The Democrat Party is obviously lawless and seditious. Ban it altogether, and hang any who refuse to re-assimilate to US Constitutional Law. (Buy stock in rope manufacturers). Leftists are easily identified: they are the ones still on twitter and all of Google/Youtube/Twitter etc, management and most employees.

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