Wednesday, January 31, 2018

No Intersection Between the Left and the Deplorables.

If one were to make a Venn diagram of the principles and attitudes of the Left vs. the Right, on no principle of importance would the circles of interest intersect. They are mutually exclusive, and unless one side gives up some of its principles in order to expand its domain enough to intersect with the other, there will be no commonality. The split is unbreechable.

The SOTU given by Trump was presupposed to be a step toward conciliation. By observing the demeanor and actions of the Left side of the aisle it is obvious that there is no subject upon which the Left will ever give over to Trump - or the Right side of the aisle. They are not the honorable minority; they are the insurrectionist resistance.

So grim and angry was the demeanor of the Left, that one of them, Gutierrez, ran out when chants of USA! filled the hall. USA? Even the existence of an individual nation called the USA triggered him to seek safety from the thought. Pelosi's face was completely embittered the entire time, and the Left rarely even acknowledged what Trump said, sitting stonily stoic.

USA nationalism vs. Globalism. Managed borders and immigration vs. no borders at all. Anti-racism vs. racializing activism and baiting. Leading from forward vs. leading from behind. Strengthening the military vs. feminizing the military. Defining treaties fairly vs. emasculation of the USA in order to favor competing nations.

None of these intersect.

Because Trump has emphasized Law, Order, Constitutional respect, has championed both industry and small business, has survived every attack on himself and the nation, all that the Left has is seditious dreams of ousting a sitting president, even forcibly if necessary, declaring him incapable. All as they frothily and insanely scream epithets. Never programs. Never positions. Never anything nationally beneficial. Pure epithets. Even the Schumer DACA "compromise" was an insane insult, assuming the president to be so stupid as to not realize what he was agreeing to.

Unless Trump relents on principles, there can be no intersection between the deranged Left and Constitutional law, order and tolerance. Because the Left cannot be wrong - ever - and their godliness cannot be defiled by external law, order and tolerance of the deplorables, their positions are rigidly destructive. Being moral arbiters, a function of being gods, which they of course are, any outside mores are rejected and the adherents classified as a) Oppressors, b) subhuman, c) disposable. (Disposability is fully exemplified in abortion, focused on minorities). The existence of the Antifa terrorist thugs, replacement for the KKK terrorists of the Left, and the punch-a-fascist attitude, all these are indicators of the mindsets of the Left.

Until the Left re-acquires at least a semblance of rationality, losing the idiocy of a Pelosi claiming the tax cuts to be first a crime against America and second "crumbs" in the face of demonstrable, empirical reality, there can be no actual conversation due to the derangement.

So, why try? Until the Left becomes civil and sane, why even bother with them? Let them shriek and wail and be ignored (except for entertainment value).

Just wait until Trump declassifies the Nunes memo. The shrieking will be deafening.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

It will get worse. And worse, as the Left becomes increasingly desperate to negate the election, and indeed, any presidential election, that does not produce a Democrat President.

I see this going towards assassination. No one wants to talk about it, but it should be faced. The despicable act is at the end of a long chain of steps, but the Leftists have no shortage of potential suicide bombers. It is, after all, well-understood that their sympathies with Islam are the result of kindred motivations.

Leftism is not a political party so much as it is a religious movement whose members worship themselves - or Nothing. Their main motivation is a lust for power over others, a desire that, like all desires of the spirit, is never satisfied no matter how much it is fed. Whatever the atheists SAY, the fact is, there is something in Man that recognizes a greater power, even (on his better days) desires it and desires to worship it. This has been the default position of the human race since time immemorial. And as C.S. Lewis noted, people will eat bad food, or even things that only look like food, when they cannot get good food. Reject God all you like. You will eventually worship something else, and because it is not God, it will be far, far worse.

Will the Left succeed at erasing Trump's victory by erasing the man himself? It certainly seems on Facebook that there is no shortage of volunteers. They are deranged, their reason corrupted by spiritual pride. And everyone understands that it is difficult to stop a killer when he does not care if he lives or dies. Religions, especially bad ones, promote that kind of behavior. The infidel must die.

And Leftism is a religion