Sunday, February 4, 2018

Bill Maher Explains Why Open Borders Benefit the USA

Maher: Border Wall Represents ‘Bigotry,’ ‘Racism,’ ‘Ignorance,’ ‘Paranoia’
Yes. Open Borders are MORAL, because the Wall represents [standard Leftist pejoratives]. About the economy: nothing. About the affect on minority employment: nothing. About the affect on votes for Democrats: nothing. About the affect on educational systems: nothing. About anything other than [standard Leftist pejoratives], nothing: why bother with that, when pejoratives are what work for virtue signalling and Saint Darwin knows, nothing is more important than Leftist Virtue Signalling to show adherence to the all new Leftist moral declarations of the day.

Outrage pimping is what works for Leftist fund-raising, or at least it worked for Obama.

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