Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Silent Science

Scientists at Cornell have created the first genetically modified human embryo.

Where did you hear this news? The only US media publication of this information is in WIRED, which got the information from the British On-line Times. Here is why: it is an unconscionable development... in the sense of science and media without conscience.

In 2007 at Cornell in N.Y., a human at the embryonic stage of development was infused with a "green fluorescent protein" for the purpose of "proving a concept". The human at the embryonic stage of development was destroyed (aka killed) five days later. Apparently the experiment was determined to have been a success, and is being called a genetically modified human embryo: the first.

The only reason this came to be known to the outside world is that British Parliament is on the eve of approving the use of human embryos for "science", including the creation of chimeras, which are combinations of animals and humans. Other uses are to infuse diseases into the humans at the embryonic state of development, so that the progression of the disease can be observed as it eats away at the embryo. The human at the embryonic state of development will be killed and not allowed to progress, at least under the current bill. A Times reporter apparently researched the literature and found a published article referring to the Cornell experiment. The only US publication has been WIRED which got it from the Times.

The ability to modify an embryo to the specifications of the parents is being called Designer Eugenics. This will allow personal attributes to be selected, such as height, hair and eye color, musculature, and, well, anything that is genetically determined. It appears that this is inevitable, with the technology being just the next step, and achievable in third world environments as well as here in the ethically crumbling first world.

Now if the technology is politically restricted, or even economically restricted, then a new class will have been "evolved", or at least mutated. Or maybe even two or more classes of superpeople will arise, depending upon ethnic tastes in different regions of the world. Certainly the age of the superwarrior will have arrived. After all the Pentagon is developing warrior insects. And if you want your child to have the speed of a cheetah, the courage of a lion, The strength of a draft horse, and the tenacity of a bulldog, better get in line now; the demand will no doubt be high.

It is not science fiction, it is reality; but it is being done verrrry quietly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Samuel Skinner
Actually, I don't think genetic engineering works that way- more disturbing isn't tailored human beings, but tailored diseases.

Still, the quiet part is... odd. To be fair, scientists don't talk about their research unless they are positive or flamboyant, but in this case it looks like they are keeping low to avoid the pitchfork totting mob.

Still, I wouldn't worry to much. Designing homo superior is beyond our capacity- you'll be dead before they figure enough about how the human body works to even think of it. I mean, this isn't legos...