Friday, June 20, 2008

Atheist's Last Refuge

Atheists are at a distinct disadvantage here. They have no firm basis for their assertions. On the other hand one who uses the firm foundations of logic, namely the first principles, has the advantage.

Because atheists have abandoned absolutes in favor of their own “wisdom”, they are constantly in need of crutches to support their conclusions. So they grope for the minutest shred that can be considered “evidence”, usually in the form of a naive analogy known as a "Strawman". They need this as evidence to support their conclusion. But strawmen are evidence only to the weakly educated and rebelliously motivated. The strawman is a fallacy of logic.

Two of the most infamous atheist strawmen are the following, which I have addressed elsewhere, but need to reiterate:

First is the infamous question posed by Mill that convicted Russell in his Atheism: “Who made God?”. This question is in response to the assertion of the necessity of a first cause of the universe. Because Mill’s question confused Russell, he took it to mean (as did Mill) that there is in fact, no deity. Russell’s analysis stopped cold at that point. Russell never addressed and was apparently ignorant of the argument of space-time being created at the Big Bang, and therefore cause and effect as we know it being meaningless in our terms prior to the creation of the universe. The first source also created cause and effect, a first principle of logic in our universe. So before the creation of space-time, there being no time, then whatever existed just existed outside of time: perpetual, to our standards of time. Absolutely no logical need of a creator of the creator.

The second strawman is the daily misused “orbiting teapot” strawman created by Russell as an absurdity to be destroyed (a strawman) in order to associate this absurdness with the first source. So Russell’s absurd teapot is also a false association fallacy, and a red herring fallacy; a three-fer. Yet this particular fallacy and it’s derivatives (flying spaghetti monster, unicorns, faeries) is possibly the main defense of Atheism today.

Now If fallacies of logic are the mainstay of Atheism, what does that say about the Atheist worldview?

Atheist illogic is based on the shifting mental constructs that form in the minds of these rejectionist, denialist, anti-rationalists. As with their morals, the mental confabulations used in their constructs are subject to whim, and can change at will.

But no matter what it is that they think up at the moment, they also believe it to be superior to grounded logic, just because they thought it up themselves. When they bump up against grounded logic, they generally get frustrated, angry and dissolve into name-calling, the last refuge of the intellectually cornered.


Ilíon said...

For an amusing little demonstration of 'atheists' trying to think logically ... and not liking it at all ... check out this small discussion

I'm "Ilíon" (of course), and the others are 'atheists.'

Stan said...

ilion, yes, 'pretense of critical thinking' sums it up well, thanks for the link.

jaajoe, Ravi is really quite good at what he does; he is another ex-Atheist. Thanks for the input.

Ilíon said...

Hello again, Stan,

At first I was confused by the "'pretense of critical thinking' sums it up well," but then I realized that I'd said that in a different thread (and the post in which I'd said it just happened to be above the OP of the thread I'd linked to).

I've read several of your posts here and at AID. It seems (so far, at least) that we two think much alike, despite that I have never considered myself an atheist.