Monday, November 17, 2008

The AntiGay Blacklist: Tit for Tat...or Not

During the past couple of years boycotts have been wielded effectively against some of the largest companies in the world. Both Ford Motor Company and McDonald's were successfully boycotted due to their overt and extensive support for homosexual agendas. At first both resisted; in the end, the corporations rescinded their support, and the boycotts were lifted. Boycotts can be very effective and they have the advantage of being legal, peaceful and passive.

The homosexual advocates are now incensed at the loss of single sex marriage due to a new constitutional amendment (Proposition 8) that was just adopted in California. The activists have researched the donor list for people and organizations that donated to the opposing cause, and have listed the names on the internet, requesting that their supporters boycott the donors.

The problem arises in that may of the individuals are difficult to punish with a boycott because they are part of a larger whole. Included in this are donors such as a Catholic bishop, a university professor, employees of the U.S. Federal Government, and so on. One can deliberately NOT patronize say, a dentist, or a roofing contractor, but how does one punish the others? Not by boycott, obviously.

So the cover statement of "boycott" is a deception. The list has been made available to a group of amoral, vicious, vituperative, violent progeny of the entitlement age. The homosexuals having already engaged in destruction, terrorism, violence against even elderly women, it is easy to project that hateful crimes will continue against those who supported traditional marriage. It is only a matter of time before some of the targeted listees are seriously damaged by these spoiled brats. The California powers-that-be, by their silence on the destruction by homosexuals and by their overt continuing support for the homosexual activists, are complicit to the core. If this heated situation continues to escalate, there will likely be an unpleasant backlash.

The homosexuals and their Leftist apologists have demonstrated their complete disdain for the law, democracy and the American culture at large. Their demands are in the process of forming a trip point for rallying those who value traditional morals, ethics and even personal safety. War of a sort has been declared by the homosexuals; how the battle will be joined will be interesting to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great example of the resurfacing of the evils of McCarthyism in the 21st century.