Saturday, November 15, 2008

When the Vote Goes Bad...

The California state constitutional amendment to define marriage as being between a man and a woman - Prop 8 - was passed handily. It is already in the state supreme court again. Now here's a question: it is in the constitution; how can it be unconstitutional?

But never mind the illogic, the Left is now attempting to force its desires into existence. According to the LA Times, at least 300 cities across the nation are targeted for demonstrations. Businesses and individuals who supported Prop 8 have been "blacklisted" and are targets of boycotts and demonstrations. The Mormon Headquarters and a local Mormon temple have gotten the fake-white-powder-in-an-envelope-treatment. Attempts to escalate the demonstrations into a full-blown movement are underway.

The Left will never be content with a vote that goes wrong. The European Union deals with that by voting the same thing over and over and over until it gets the answer it wants. This will probably happen in California, unless the state supreme court declares the constitution to be unconstitutional.

But the protestors are encouraged. The governator and the uberleft senator are sympathetic. But,
"These cowardly acts are intended to terrorize people,"

said Yes on 8 campaign Director Frank Schubert, referring to envelopes containing white powder received Thursday at Mormon headquarters in Salt Lake City and the Mormon Temple in Westwood. (Authorities are investigating, but the incident has not been linked to gay-marriage backers).

"Where is Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger?" Schubert asked. "Where is Sen. Dianne Feinstein? Where are the people who represent us, no matter their position on Proposition 8, to stand up for the rights of the millions of Californians who have done the one thing we ask and teach our children, which is to participate in the democratic process?"

Well, of course the vote went badly for the Left, and since it went counter to the new pseudo-ethics of the Left, the vote has no weight with them. Not only is the vote not respected, but the voters are not respected and are to be punished, literally. If you don't get what you want, it is tantrum time... time to punish the voters and spew hate.

The image of enraged goons rampaging through the streets punishing those with whom they disagree, and with the tacit if not explicit sympathies of the authorities, bears a striking resemblance to Kristallnacht, in November of 1938. But it is possible that Californians, schooled under the education ministry of the Left coast, have never heard of it. The escalations of hate-filled tantrums will not lead to anything more than a widened gap in the culture war. Sooner or later this war will get serious. This is after all, the age of entitlements.

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