Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Besides health, shelter, lower gas prices, and abundant food, I am grateful for the faculties that allow logical thought and the freedom to pursue rational conclusions.

The mental faculties are not a gift from human authorities, nor is it at all probable that they occurred by "mutation with selection"; they are most likely given, along with the "essence of life", by a creating being. The freedom to pursue such things is a right bestowed by the creator which must be protected from human authority.

At the moment we in the USA enjoy the right to think for ourselves and the right to speak our thoughts openly. And we enjoy the right to acknowledge or to reject the First Cause of our universe, the creating being. Thanksgiving is just an exercise without meaning for those who are trapped by the Atheist dogma.

But I personally am most grateful for those things that are most meaningful, and which coincidentally are not man-made, but are granted to us: family, friends, life, free will, the Bill of Rights, a thirst for truth beyond the facts, the faculties of discernment, discrimination and judgment, and a free internet.

Have a good Thanksgiving!

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