Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hate Crimes and Violence

The Left is now discussing the "emotional violence" from speech "crimes". There is also discussion of "economic violence" against the poor, and structural violence against women, tribal violence (patriotism), Cultural violence against classes of people (elders, children, races, sexes, etc); and environmental violence (presumably against Gaia).

All of these victims need Hate Crimes protection, by definiton.

The "victim" mentality is generated as a cover for governmental control of culture in general. The government schools are already on-board. In fact, home schooled children are widely regarded as victims, despite their consistently higher scoring in all categories of educational testing. What they don't receive is proper indoctrination into the government's concept of proper secular acculturization.

Soon it will be a Hate Crime to educate your own children. As they say, parental rights end at the school house door. Germany is already prosecuting parents who want to teach their own children. Does this sound at all familiar?