Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gay "Pig Sex" Inaugural Orgy

You've probably heard about the "Pig Sex" orgy homosexuals have planned for the inauguration of Barack Hussien Obama this evening in three conference rooms at the Doubletree Inn in Washington, D.C. This not to be confused with the "Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend" event at the Wahington Plaza Hotel, a similar homosexual event also to celebrate the inauguration of the "most pro-Gay president ever".

The hotels have dissembled about the events, and with good cause. It will probably be a hate crime shortly to refuse these events, and will make it a criminal offense to deny homosexuals the "right" to fornicate wherever they choose to do so, much less to criticize the practice. In fact, under hate crime legislation, expect to see explicit fornication programming on TV in prime time; to deny it would be a criminal offense. And current programming has come astoundingly close to it already.

Homosexuals are ecstatic about their potential forced control of American culture under Obama and the Democrats.

As discussed before, the Saul D. Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" - which Obama taught as a community organizer in Chicago - declares the need for wrapping all "change" in a mantle of moral righteousness; it sweetens the forcing of the bitter, bitter pill. So there is a faux religiosity being foisted about the inauguration, with all sorts of antithetical religious positions being given an appearance of legitimacy, not to mention the religion-haters who fully understand the deception. Rick Warren should be ashamed to be a part of this.