Saturday, January 17, 2009

Organic Fascism, and the New World Order

Henry Kissinger is unabashed in his lust for a new world order. He thinks that the dominanance of America since the fall of the USSR is a blight, and that the USA should subordinate its own influence and power to a new political and economic entity, which includes the EU and China. And he is lobbying Obama to do so. And of course Obama already has an evironmentalist in place to lead the way.

Time was when the lexicon for betraying the sovereignty of our nation into the hands of others included the word treason. But in the new world of relativity, there is no longer any single meaning for any word, it appears.

The dangers of this usurpation of individual and national freedom are easily seen in China and Tibet. And they continue to roll forward here in the USA. A new Democrat gun control bill (Rush, HR45) will trace every gun owner and every gun, and will outlaw every gun that uses a "clip (sic)", just the next step toward making the final confiscation easy. And a new Democrat "hate crime" bill (HR256), actually a thought control bill, will make thinking certain thoughts punishable, making kulture kontrol much easier. And a new Democrat thrust (John Conyers (D), Judiciary Commitee) is attempting to institute criminal punishment the previous adminstration for its conservative ideology. And the Democrats still push to restore the "Fairness Doctrine", which is actually a legal limit to conservative radio (they already own the souls of TV/newpapers). Controlling the internet is also on their minds.

The Democrats are largely indiscernable from the Chinese Communists who already do these things, along with abortion (another Obama initiative), thirst for world domination, etc. It is a natural fascism, organic even, and green as well. And it is in charge.