Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama on Gaza quotes Obama as saying he will....

... "be engaging with all of the actors there. That will work to create a strategic approach that ensures that both Israelis and Palestinians can meet their aspirations."
Hopefully the Hamas "actors" will not meet their aspiration of wiping Israel off the map and ovens for all Jews. Either Obama is magnificently naive, ignorant, or just hasn't been paying attention. Or maybe his superman utopianism is coloring his judgment.

However, since the day after the election Obama has been "modifying" expectations concerning his campaign promises. He now admits that some of it was just "rhetoric":

Obama noted advice he received from Vice President Dick Cheney last week that his team should carefully study the outgoing administration's approach before throwing it away just to make a political point.

"I think that was pretty good advice," the president-elect said. "I should know what's going on before we make judgments and that we shouldn't be making judgments on the basis of incomplete information or campaign rhetoric."
Obama taking advice from the reviled, despised and hated Dick Cheney? My, my, Oh my!


Scary Jesus said...

Hi Stan, I've missed you over at atheismisdead. Just have to offer a disclaimer, I disagree with you most of the time (yeah I'm a conservative atheist, you pull heartsrtings when you bring up issues like Isreal and Obama, hey I'm only human).

Hey just for fun, I thought you might enjoy hearing my religious history, very much like you were an atheist for 40 years i was rabid Christian for 40 years.
This was posted over at AiD:

1. What is your religious background? Are you currently practicing?

(my answer)
Growing up I was a Methodist, a catholic for my 4 years in the philippines, on returning I got involved with TBN channel 21 in phoenix with my mom and sisters after my parents divorce. Met Paul and Jan on many occasions. Went to live with my dad and his new wife, went to a Lutheran church, attended an assemblies of god high school for my first 2 years of high school, an episcopal school for my last two. After my son died in an accident in 1990 at the age of 18 months I moved to become a member of the international church of Christ, at the time the fastest growing church on the planet. After many years of hard work, dedication and bringing people to Christ I became the full time minister. 13 years in all with the ICCoC. Bear in mind we were a VERY serious group. But the problem with our group was that they so emphasized bible study, which eventually led to me becoming an atheist at the tender age of 40.

Stan said...

SJ, welcome!
I'm very sorry to hear about your son, I can't imagine the pain from that.

What about the Bible drove you away?

I personally don't consider the Bible to be more than a tertiary input into the issues surrounding Atheism. The question of whether the universe had intelligent input at its creation is the fundamental issue which has the most weight in the decision about the existence of a creating being.

My impression is that a great many Atheists became dislocated because of the human institutions of religion that grossly misbehave, including weaponizing the Bible to threaten outsiders or even insiders.

But that is anti-ecclesiasticism, and shouldn't be confused with Atheism.

So what is the rest of your story if you don't mind sharing...?