Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sex with Obama

Confirming a suspicion, Judith Warner of the NYT reports on her (unscientific) polling of her readers. Warner has been having dreams about Barack, and wondered if this was common among women readers. It would not be a wonder, since Obama places himself in everybody's face as much as he possibly can, even to the point of annoying the TV Networks with his incessant demands for their broadcast time and the accompanying loss of revenue.

Warner received a lot of feedback apparently, with quite a few women dreaming about sex with Barack. Others dreamt about socializing with the Obamas and some, including men, fretted about how successful Obama is compared to themselves.

I think Warner should ask her readers if they ever have nightmares about living in the New World of socialized Obamism. I bet that none of them do. I bet none of them think more deeply than about how sexy Barack is, and how cute the couple is together. I also wonder just how many votes that segment - sex with Barack - added up to.

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