Friday, February 6, 2009

The Socialist Bulldozing of Obama America

Obamazation of the USA is already difficult to keep up with. This week Obama:

1. Socialized medicine for virtually all children in households with around $100,000 in income (counting credits for housing and other things).

2. Disemboweled the “Faith Based” initiatives by including his own boys, neighborhood organizers, in the mix, and renaming it to match.

3. Apologized for America’s persecution of the Arab/Muslim world.

4. Called attention to his Muslim background.

5. Acknowledged the successful election in Iraq – quietly.

6. Excoriated religions for their bias.

7. Claimed to be a Christian.

8. Declared again that “I AM the elected one”.

9. Insisted that the hugely over-fattened and pork-stuffed Democrat bailout bill (now being called the “generational theft bill”) be passed, or we will all suffer horrible wasting existences.

10. Exported $ Millions in abortion funding to world-wide fetal death factories.

11. Made the following stunning statement: "There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know."

12. Rips opponents of the near trillion dollar spending bill for lack of “bipartisanship” for not bowing immediately to the Democrat pork-bill. (“Blunt derision” by Obama of opposition: WSJ).

13. Cut a $20 Million check for Hamas.

14. Attacked and limited CEO compensation and attacked corporate greed and waste such as expensive retreats and corporate jets.

15. Along with Democrats held a retreat at exclusive and posh Kingsmill Resort and Spa, largely on the taxpayer’s backs.

16. Took a nice trip on his personal jet.

17. Stood in front of every available camera on the U.S. east coast at least once a day.


Anonymous said...

Dear Stan:

Reference: Potential Topic for Blog Post.

I apologize that this comment is off topic to the specific subject under discussion, but as it is related to the blog as a whole, I thought it generally appropriate to post. In addition, as I was unable to find an e-mail where I could contact you personally, the only way to get in contact with you was to leave a comment.

I wished to bring to your attention an essay that I have written that may be of interest to you as the main contributor to the Atheism Analyzed blog. This essay is titled The Evolutionary Wager: How the Ideas of Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins & Evolution Itself Negate Atheism and Point to Christianity and it can be found at

As I am attempting to generate interest in this essay and for the blog site where it is posted, then if you would find it worthy enough to post about and discuss on your blog, I would be greatly appreciative of your time and your efforts.

Finally, as I understand that you may be either too busy to read this essay or simply not interested in it, I wish to thank you regardless, especially for taking the time just to read this comment. If you do have the opportunity to review the essay and post about it, then I would like to truly thank you in advance for your time, effort and assistance in this matter.


RD Miksa

Stan said...

RD Miksa, Thanks for your message. I have removed my email address due to problems with e-stalkers who don't like what I do here. I will indeed read your essay, and thank you for drawing my attention to it.


Anonymous said...

Good Evening Stan,

First, thank you for taking the time just to respond to my comment. Furthermore, thank you very much for your interest in my essay, although as a warning, it is slightly unorthodox, in addition to being long.

Take care and thank you again,

RD Miksa