Monday, August 24, 2009

Evidence Based Health Care

The Enlightenment Left will claim, if asked, to be reason-based, rational and scientific, as opposed to the religious, faith-based Right. I have yet to come across an Atheist, secularist Leftist who actually understands either logic, rational thought processes, or the basic theory of evidence.

The desperate attempts to ram through a 1000 page, unread, government takeover of American health care is a case in point. In the attempt to do so, all evidence as to the nature of the program mandated by the bill(s) has been drowned out by self righteous cries of “moral imperative”.

When actual portions of the various congressional bills are brought to light, the providers of that actual evidence are called “liars”. When the impending collapse of Canada’s health care system is presented as evidence, the similarity of the unread congressional bills to Canadian care is denied. When the egregious rationing of the British Health Care system is offered into evidence, rationing is denied without evidence of financial stability of either the economy or the proposed health care system. What is the evidence that the supposed 45 million uninsured are even Americans?

Evidence is not part of the Left’s assault on the American way of providing health care: a fabricated morality is the justification. In fact, it is religious in nature, based purely on a convenient, temporary “moral” basis - the most onerous type of religious credulousness – one demanding obedience from all citizens.

Why no evidence offered up by the Enlightenment Left? Could it be that all evidence that is real, is negative? The financial evidence alone should be enough to sink the bills. The existing struggling Medicare system will be raided of one third of a Trillion dollars of money allocated to health care for seniors. The remainder of the funding has not yet been found. Yet there will be no rationing?

Rationality is never one of the Left’s strong points, and this time they have rationalized themselves into a position so weak that even total control of the U.S. government might not salvage their “moral imperative”.

When they fail, their bleatings will be couched in terms of morality, or rather the immorality of the opponents of their proposed government take-over. The religion of Leftism will become self-righteous to a breast-beating, screaming maximum. And they do self-righteous indignation so well. It should be very entertaining.

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