Sunday, August 23, 2009

Moral Lectures from the Morality-Free

Obama once again declares a moral imperative. His health care take-over is moral; dissenters are liars. This is the essence of his message to the religious groups that Obama has approached in the last weeks.

Obama has spread abortion funding around the world. He has supported partial-birth abortion. He wants to kill DOMA, the restriction of marriage to a man and a woman. He lies about his positions on just about everything – from single payer insurance to his birthplace to his friendships and associations to his ethics as an Alinsky purveyor. So it is no surprise that he lies about morality – he has no concept of what morality is.

The Alinsky-Obama morality is clear. According to Alinsky, the only immorality is the failure to pursue a radical opportunity. And that is the sole morality of the radical Left. There is no accompanying examination of “means” for ethical or moral consideration: the “end” justifies any means whatsoever, including defaming the opposition as “immoral”. And that is just what a desperate Obama is doing.

So is it surprising that the idea of eliminating the “last year of life” of the elderly is part of Obama’s thought process? The savings produced by not providing care to the elderly would be significant, a concept not lost on the eugenist-in-chief, and certainly not his health advisors, such as Emmanuel, who has already decided the value of the lives of every person at every stage of his life. There is no morality involved in deciding whom to deny care; the decision is strictly utilitarian, based on the pre-calculated value of the life of that patient. If you think that this sounds familiar, re-read the book “The Nazi Doctors”, by Robert Jay Lifton… if you can stomach it.

The Emmanuel Human Life Value graph is shown here again, so that you can determine the value of your life, your baby's life, your parents and grandparents lives... and ultimately your life at life's end:

Obama has staffed an entire czarhood with morality-free Leftists. These individuals are quite comfortable in creating their own ethics-of-the-moment, convenient behaviors decreed by them to be moral, and even moral imperatives, at least at the moment they are uttered. Tomorrow, of course, these behaviors or programs might not matter in the least, but today they are moral and imperative.

Now Obama cronies are lecturing the public on “integrity’. David Axelrod is a professional lie-monger, and that is not a lie. He “repackages” issues to be presented to the public in a fashion that obscures the real intent. One of his clients was Michelle Obama who was trying to slick out a way to perform [illegal] patient-dumping in order to raise the bottom line at her hospital; Axelrod recommended “rebranding” the issue to make it palatable to the poor blacks who were being turned away in favor of more lucrative patients.

This is the same Axelrod who “repackaged” a huge utility rate hike, using fear mongering ads predicting power outages a la California, and promoting rate hikes through a front group he called “Consumers Organized for Reliable Electricity, or Core” - failing to declare that the ads were paid for by Commonwealth Edison, the beneficiary of the rate increase.

This is the same Axelrod whose son now runs the Axelrod firm, AKPD, which is still paying the elder Axelrod, and which is paid to develop ads for at least two front organizations for PhRMA for supporting ObamaCare: profiting from the drug organization that hopes to profit from ObamaCare. This is integrity, Obama-style, Chicago-style, Alinsky-style.

The idea of Axelrod lecturing on Integrity is ludicrous at any and all levels.

Much of the USA subscribes to a different type of morality, one of higher derivation, one that is absolute and not convenient, one that has a real integrity. Perhaps it is this conflict of moral basics that is helping to drive Obama and his Leftist cronies into sub 50 percentile approval ratings, and Democrat congressmen into hiding.

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