Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Matter of Character

The internet this August seems awash with fresh attacks on the statist congress and president with which this country is currently afflicted. Some list the most egregious lies the president told. Others forecast an overturning of congress, at least the house, in the next election cycle. Some compare the wave of grassroots protest and the nasty response from an uncaring ruling class to the Iranian protest and Tienanmen Square protests, declaring that only in America could protests demand worldwide attention without accompanying bloodshed.

The issue has an essence, that of character. It is not just that he lied, lied often and lied about lying, the issue for the president is one of character.

Character is one of those absolutes that secularists, relativists and Atheists detest. I have written about the attacks on Denver area schools because the schools promote character values which can be found in the bible. By rejecting all absolutes, positive character traits are also rejected.

This is important in understanding the development of the young Obama. A youth whose father abandoned him, whose mother died, and whose grandfather – his male role model – was a communist who associated with other communists and took Obama with him, such a youth was at risk to begin with and was victimized by a soulless, Atheist creed. Concepts of positive character traits fall by the wayside in a culture that adores revolution, Che Guevara, and hates the established culture. A person becomes defined solely by his passion for the cause. When the ends justify the means, any means whatsoever, character traits are not an issue.

It is no wonder that Obama became the person he is. He was reinforced in black victimology during his 20 years attending a church of virulent racial hatred. And it is no wonder that the black community supports him at 95%. The black community, under the auspices of their leaders espousing “victimology” as their creed and endorsing every device that tears black families apart, produces men that likely have never even heard of positive character traits. Such a culture will naturally reward another leader promising more largess to the permanent culture of victims.

The issue then is not just the actions of Obama, the Left, or the black community. The issue is the loss of the ideal of developing humans with positive character traits, rather than producing ideologues of one stripe or another, and a growing culture of “victims”. The underlying essence of the issue is Atheist secularism, and its chokehold on the current governing leaders.

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