Friday, August 21, 2009

Obama Becomes Christlike In His Own Eyes

Even as his own credibility polls head further into the mud, Obama takes the liberty of addressing a crowd of religious leaders using the language of Jesus. Calling his ObamaCare plan a “moral obligation”, he used terms like “brother’s and sister’s keeper”, and “false witness”, and “Good News”.

Obama, who quit going to church as soon as he was elected, uses morality as a weapon: you are guilty of immorality if you oppose him. The facts are clear, however. The Leftocrats want only government run health care; they do not support any solution that doesn’t include the “public” plan. The Leftists are not interested in the morality of providing care. They are interested in grabbing control of a piece of the private sector. There are plans that could provide care without the necessity of a government run plan. These are rejected out-of-hand, and it is this basic fallacy that is crumbling the Democrats in full view of the world.

Obama is becoming a victim of his own narcissism. Even though he has covered a significant number of his tracks, he has such a penchant for being seen, and seen constantly, that his recorded words are coming back to haunt him (despite the black-out of news protection provided by the pusillanimous, obsequious mainstream media). Obama really did say that he wants single payer health care. Obama really did say that health care rationing for the elderly – including his grandmother – should be considered as efficiency dictates. And Obama’s top advisors include eugenists such as Emmanuel, who has already decided the value of each human according to their age.

It is true that the installation of free health care is a moral decision, a decision about what “should” or “should not” be done. It is not true that the only moral conclusion is to install a new bureaucracy to parcel out health care as it sees fit. Obama has deliberately confused the two in his attempt to attain government control over a huge portion of the private sector.

As always, what is not known is how many Americans will be fooled by such maneuvers. The longer the debate, the fewer will be fooled it appears, according to polls. And that is why Obama wants it finished soon, sooner than now. Because the country is turning on him. Finally.

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