Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Left Escalates

Starting as early as this weekend we will start seeing the renewed attacks from the Left in their attempts to regain lost ground on the HealthCare Grab. The attacks seem to be focused evermore toward ridicule and name calling, exactly the tactics that have driven the independent voters out of the Obama camp; when the Left feels threatened it becomes exponentially shrill and irrational. But what remains after already having declared dissent "unAmerican", "fascist", and dissenters "Nazis" and "mobs"?

This week, on September 11 (this Friday) there will be a push to deluge Congress with phone calls demanding a fight against the "Right Wing Terrorists" who oppose the government takeover, the huge deficits, and the general socialist tenor of the dominant Left.

The Teapartiers had already claimed September 12, Saturday, as a demonstration day in Washington DC, and the Left then claimed September 13, as the day to overcome the damage done on the 12th. I'm not sure if those events are still scheduled, but I wouldn't be surprised if some folks showed up.

My own congressman, Ike Skelton, is one of the missing, "milk carton" congressmen. He held no town halls and does not answer his email. No wonder: he has voted 98% with Nancy Pelosi, including thought crime legislation. He in no way represents his district's overall conservatism.

The next weeks and months will be interesting, as the Left retreats ever further into its default mode of spreading hatred and falsehoods via ridicule and the MSM.


D. A. N. said...

All I can add is amen brother.

D. A. N. said...

...and speaking of teapartiers. I saw this as one of the best signs out there

Stan said...

That's great! Thanks for the smile...