Sunday, September 6, 2009

One Less Communist: The Butterfy Effect

The free press still exists out here in webland. World Net Daily (WND) has become a force to reckon with; even the White House is not immune to certain truths. WND started the investigation into Van Jones, Obama's "Green Czar", revealing not just his communist ideology but his anti-American ideology as well. Atheism Analyzed has also posted about Van Jones (assuredly with much less impact), and the news finally reached FOX News.

Now Van Jones has been removed, due to "smears", he claims.

The Butterfly Effect is the claim that a Butterfly flapping its wings in Borneo will cause ever-rising currents of air that will eventually produce a hurricane half way around the world. This is rather fatuous, except in fully loaded systems that need only the tiniest trigger to set them off. Such systems are maximally unstable, just at the very edge of decomposition.

Perhaps the political system in the USA is now fully loaded and awaiting that trigger. I think that perhaps the removal of Van Jones was an attempt to de-load the system just a little.

Also responsible for the viral expose' of Jones is Michelle Malkin, who gives a history of responsibility here. [Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption", now in its 5th straight week at number one, and I also highly recommend it.] Jones is just one of a boatload of crackpots drawing pay (Jones still does) in the Obama administration.

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