Monday, November 30, 2009

IPCC Chairman Declines an Investigation... Into Fraud.

The Chairman of the U.N.’s IPCC made a couple of points today.

First, according to the Guardian, Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declared,
“There is "virtually no possibility" of a few scientists biasing the advice given to governments by the UN's top global warming body, its chair said today.”
And second, scientists should not put these things in writing:
“Pachauri said it was not clear whether the wording of the emails reflected the scientists' intended actions, but said: "I really think people should be discreet … in this day and age anything you write, even privately, could become public and to put anything down in writing is, to say the least, indiscreet … It is another matter to talk about this to your friends on the telephone or person to person but to put it down in writing was indiscreet. If someone was to say something like this in an IPCC authors' meeting then there are others who would chew him up."
“Some commentators, including the former chancellor Nigel Lawson and the environmental campaigner and Guardian writer George Monbiot, have called on Jones to resign but Pachauri said he did not agree. He said an independent inquiry into the emails would achieve little, but there should be a criminal investigation into how the emails came to light.”
So here we have the chairman of the IPCC declining to check the integrity of his panel’s data inputs, and yet calling for a hit on the whistleblower. He is not concerned about the content of the Jones' email, he is merely concerned that Jones put it in writing.

What has Rajendra Pachauri got to gain from defending Jones' behavior and not investigating any potential fraud? Oh yes. The third world hopes to get trillions in cash from the first world; this could fall apart. Plenty to gain / lose here.

The IPCC is a contemptible parody of science.

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