Monday, November 30, 2009

More AGW Fraud: At NY State U. at Albany

Professor Wei-Chyung Wang of the NY State U at Albany has been accused of fraud. Billed as a star scientist, one who provided some $7 Million in grants to the University, Wang is a cohort of Jones et. al. of East Anglia CRU infamy.

Wang has operated in the now familiar mode of using secret, unreleased data to generate AGW fear graphs (details here). The University conducted a secret investigation of Wang after the accusation of fraud, and came to a conclusion of "innocent" based on secret data. And they generated a secret report on the matter, not accessible even by the accuser.

Investigations by universities into their staff cash-cow "stars" are no more reliable than Acorn investigating itself, or Congress investigating congressmen. What is needed is an objective investigation by an objective science fraud policing function, which does not exist. So we are not likely to know the actual, real story, maybe ever.

Notwithstanding that, secrecy is anti-science; Wang is not producing science. And the university is OK with that.

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