Monday, November 23, 2009

Man in 23 Year Coma Was Conscious All Along

The Mail On-Line reports that the man was evaluated several times and that his consciousness was declared “extinct”. Yet Dr Steven Laureys evaluated him again with new brain scan techniques and found him to be functional. He was given therapy – how wasted his muscles must have been! And he now converses by tapping on a computer screen, and he reads books with a special device that allows him to read from a horizontal position.

This leads one to wonder, if his condition can be found and localized, can stem cell therapy renew his injured system?

This is not the first time that a long term coma patient has returned to animation. The Mail On-Line cites another case, and I have heard of others, too.

Given this, why is it not murder to remove life-support from such patients? Do not injured people deserve care? At what point is their human-value less than the dollar-value of their care? And who is allowed the hubris to make that decision concerning another persons value?

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