Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Leftist Science Fraud of All Time

The Left claims to love science, to even have a monopoly on loving science. The Left claims that the Right hates science, that they are superstitious fools.

But the Left only loves what science can do for them (what they think it can do). They think it gives them traction on their other claim: to be the monopoly on rationality. After all, if science is rational and I love science, then I must be rational, right? Or at least appear rational, or maybe think I appear to be rational.

In actuality the Left only loves science that seems (to them) to give them an edge on their agenda promotion. This is why Leftists are convinced that evolution and AGW are necessarily true in axiomatic verity.

Axiomatic verity is the same as absolute truth, but in a form that Leftists can find amenable. It is so absolute that the high priests are not to be questioned, and heretics are to be driven from the kingdom.

Yet axiomatic verity comes not from science, it comes from agendas. The science then must conform to the agenda. This involves a perversion of science.

That is exactly what is seen in AGW. The perversion of science is not a crime; it is a professional albatross. Unless ancillary laws are broken. For example it is not a crime to withhold data; it is a crime to destroy public documents that are pertinent to scientific outcomes and covered by Freedom of Information acts, as exist in the USA and Britain. It is not a crime to solicit funding; it is a crime to conspire to avoid taxes. It is not a crime to fabricate false data and generate models with unknown algorithms and present only the results while withholding everything else; it probably is a crime to present that data as representing something other than the actual raw facts, when trying to affect public policy while using public funding.

Legitimate science does not operate this way, the way Leftist “science” works. Legitimate science operates totally in the open, trying to find objective fact without the bias of agendas. Legitimate science welcomes replications, and answers criticism honestly, because Legitimate scientists know they might have missed something, perhaps in the hypothesis, or the experimental design, or the data, or the interpretation.

In leftist AGW Kabuki science, no replications are allowed, and critics are silenced as efficiently as possible, including ruining careers where possible.

Entirely complicit in this are the Leftist media and the political hacks from RINOs on to the massive Left. All those who argue for an effect when the cause is held secret by the “expert” enclave are not arguing for science, they are arguing for an agenda, supported by obviously corrupt Kabuki science.

In the case of AGW, not only has professional methodology been sacrificed at the Leftist altar of AGW, but laws were broken trying to conceal that fact.

These people are not scientists; they are felons.

Here, for your entertainment, or mine anyway, is actual thermometer data taken in the North Siberia area near where the infamous Yamal tree rings were taken. No hockey stick blade, no AGW.

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