Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The epithet “deniers”, first used against holocaust deniers, has been used against the AGW skeptics for years, now. It is a typical attempt to tarnish an enemy – and AGW skeptics were considered evil enemies by the CRU and its toadies – by using the fallacy, Guilt By Association, in this case false association, making it a double fallacy. But the Left is gifted at name calling and derision. For example PZ Meyers this week called a Christian who he hates, “a shit stain”. The MSM has referred to American citizens as “tea baggers”, a reference to a nasty homosexual practice. Pelosi called dissenters, "communists".

But now the inexorable “goes ‘round, comes ‘round” has finally come around. The response of the “science friendly” Obama administration to the ClimateGate revelations of bad science is to claim that the science is settled, and that thousands of other climate scientists still point to hockey stick type of AGW. Never mind that the data is flawed at the field level.

When he approved the use of human embryos for scientific experimentation, Obama made the following comments:
“Promoting science isn’t just about providing resources — it’s also about protecting free and open inquiry,” he said during the signing ceremony. “It’s about letting scientists like those who are here today do their jobs, free from manipulation or coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient — especially when it’s inconvenient. It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda — and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.”
As with most of Obama’s positions, this sweet sounding promo-talk applies only when it is convenient for the Left, as in human embryo destruction. There was then, as now, no need for the destruction of human lives in the pursuit of science; that was a step in the process of deadening the culture to future eugenics, such as letting old people and babies be denied healthcare in favor of 20 to 40 year olds. But it was flavored as a step for free and open inquiry, my how noble.

Now the deniers of science, because it is definitely inconvenient for them, are the Leftists that infest the administration. It’s not just Holdren trying to influence the slope of the hockey stick by deriding the ample data supporting the Medieval Warm Period. Others in the administration are and will likely continue to mouth the mantra that the science is settled. For them it has to be so, because their ideology needs AGW in order to justify signing away sovereignty at Copenhagen.

These folks really should not be called deniers because they really don’t care one way or another about AGW. What they care about is one world government with the USA at the beck-and-call of some global “leader” such as the UN. The results of that type of treason is just what is being experienced in Britain as they just now realize that the EU will redistribute their banking and economic structure to benefit European / Germanic lusts, with no way out for the Brits. The same is intended for the USA, which is considered evil by its own governing elites, who feel they need to transfer its wealth to the rest of the world.

So these folks should be called, not deniers, but traitors. Traitors to both science and to the sovereign country they are elected to protect.

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