Friday, December 4, 2009

James Hansen, Deep ClimateGate?

If you thought it couldn't get any crazier, how about this: pundits now have pointed at James Hansen, the insane NASA climate anti-coal protester and civil disobediant as having both the motive and the opportunity to have obtained and released the infamous CRU files.

Hansen is over the top enough that he now attacks Gore and the upcoming Copenhagen agreements. He has stated a wish that Copenhagen would fail and that the process would start over.

Also suspicious is the notable lack of any emails referencing either Hansen or NASA in the released CRU documentation.

It must be noted that however suspicious this might look, there is no hard evidence to implicate Hansen. Yet inference is the basis of further investigation.

Andrew Bolt nominates Tom Wigley for the honor; Wigley had protested the unscientific procedures in several emails. This evidence is also inferential. Bolt makes the point that an insider releasing such information would be protected under British whistleblower laws. While Wigley seems to emerge as one of the very few at CRU with a hint of a standard issue conscience, still he was head of CRU either during the time the original data was dumped, or was operating CRU without the original data - and maintaining a secret data policy. No hero here.

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