Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jerking Around the Data at GHCN

Anthony Watts has done the dog work of bottom-up testing of the NOAA/GHCN data for Australia. Australians have kept their own data and claimed that the temperature did not rise over the last century (In fact, it went down). CRU said they were wrong, based on three stations.

Watts went to the unadjusted data and compared it to the adjusted data. What he found… Well, look for yourself.

Better still, read the full article.

The GISS data that is adjusted might just have the same sort of adjustments. It shows the same sort of hockey stick.

This is precisely why science results must be replicated by objective (or even skeptical) outside parties who have no dog in the fight, either monetarily or ideologically.

At Copenhagen, the beat goes on.


Ken said...

You seem surprised by this "scientific" scandal :o)

Have you considered that there is a virtual one to one correlation between how global warmists deal with dissent and how orthodox Darwinists deal with creationists or Intelligent Design proponents?

Same thing, different topic.


Stan said...

Hmmm, interesting. I have noticed that the orthodox "Skeptics" truly hate real skepticism. The idea that science is holy and pure and cannot be assailed because its practitioners are holy and pure seems to be based on a religious foundation.

Real science is judged by its ability to be replicated by any and everyone who wishes to do it. Its purity is in the validity of its premises, not in the holiness of its people.