Thursday, January 7, 2010

As the Democrats unilaterally increased the national debt by $2,000,000,000,000, keep these graphics in mind (via instapundit):

From NROonline, jan 5:

From Heritage Foundation:

These are not all of the entitlements, to be sure. All the government employees, federal, state and local, will be receiving fat pensions and cush health care plans after their early retirements. And it doesn't even show the results of the government seizure of 1/6 of the economy under ObamaCare.

Grab yourself a government job right away, they are in a hiring frenzy right now, and that will increase with the dozens of new federal bureaucracies being created at this very moment behind congressional closed doors.

The only way to avoid eventually being overcome by these problems (which even hyper-inflation cannot cure) is to drastically expand the economy while reducing government size. Government size reduction is highly unlikely, based on history. So expansion of the economy is the only way out. An expanded economy would produce more private sector employees, and thus more tax revenue. But that means encouraging corporate and small business growth.

But who is being punished the most by the current Leftist congress? Corporations and free markets are particularly despised by the Left. And small business is always lumped in with the hated "wealthy class" and max-taxed while being regulated into extinction. Stimulus billions are poured into non-producing, fat cat fractional reserve banks, federal corporations like Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, and failed corporations that have no customers and which are run by parasitic, flourishing unions, like GM. Cash is taken from producers, to be swallowed by non-producers, keeping them on life-support.

So it's not at all like a slippery slope at the moment. It's more like off the cliff, and under the acceleration of the gravity of economic certainty.

It should be clear by now that the Left cares not one whit about the economy. They have pursued two things only: social agendas involving governmental power grabs, and increasing debt to cover their agendas.

The next power grab will be to entitle illegal aliens, both to health care and to vote. Amnesty is a hot topic and is now on a front burner. This will serve to increase entitlements while providing Leftist votes.

This will be an interesting year. Perhaps 2011 will be a year of change... this time for the better.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm.....Do I need to add canned goods, wiskey, and ammo to my portfolio?


Stan said...

Except for whisky, it's already done, here.

Realistically, there is not a good plan for escaping the Leftist devastation to come. For example, I can't really protect my cattle herd from hungry mobs descending from the city, attacking with knives and forks, trying to feed their own children (a metaphor for desperation).

What we need, of course, is a computer model... and several $hundred billion to tweak it this way and that, and thus become filthy rich.