Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Avatar: Were You Expecting A Plot?

The blockbuster, third of a billion dollar production, AVATAR, is being taken to task for its blatantly Left-wing, anti-white, anti-human, anti-just-about-everything except for its blatant Rousseauean pantheist stance. It was, in fact, shallow to the point of regressing plots to the cowboys-and-Indians genre of the 1930’s, except with the Indians/earth spirit as the holy and sacred and the cowboys as thoroughly, irredeemably evil.

Defenders say, well, the public loved it. And it actually is the only movie that we have paid a theater to view in over a year (or more). The reason of course was not for the plot which was never the selling point, it was for the massively spectacular graphics, all done in 3D. In spite of the silly, empty plot, I will probably watch the movie again when it gets to the dollar rental stage (assuming that the 3D will work via TV). I will be happy to view it by skipping to the scenes of waterfalls, phosphorescent nights, floating mountains, and so on – with the sound off.

But as far as the plot line, pfaagh. Still, I recommend seeing it in a theater, sit as close as you are comfortable, dead center. Just remain scrupulously clear about the narrative being sold.


Vagon said...

Someone compared it to Pocahontas in 3D. I've never seen Pocahontas but my guess is it had the same plot.

That said, yes the 3d was awesome :D

Stan said...

Hmmm, it does sound sort of the same, if I remember Pocahontas correctly (grandaughter's dvd). Not in 3D though.