Friday, July 15, 2011

Germany Cancels Nuclear Plants and Heads To Coal

“The German government wants to encourage the construction of new coal and gas power plants with millions of euros from a fund for promoting clean energy and combating climate change.

“The plan has come under stiff criticism, but the Ministry of Economics and Technology defended the idea. A spokeswoman said it was necessary as the government switches from nuclear to other renewable energy sources and added that the money would promote the most efficient plants possible.

”Funding for the initiative is limited to five percent of the energy and climate change fund’s annual expenditure between 2013 and 2016.

”Annual funding for the new plants could total more than €160 million per year between 2013 and 2014 alone, the Berliner Zeitung newspaper reported on Wednesday.

”The fund was first established to encourage nuclear plant operators to develop new, renewable forms of energy production. Now that nuclear power is to be phased out by 2022, the fund will pay for research into reducing carbon dioxide emissions from buildings, developing renewable energy sources and storage technologies for them.”

The Local: Germany's News in English

Just make sure that the coal is chock full o’ sulfur; that’s the global cooling ticket. Never mind the acid rain; just make the stacks 20 miles high.

Afterthought: The EPA has forced the scrubbing of sulfur from US coal plants for the past 4 or more decades. With the removal of that sulfur form the atmosphere as a counterbalance to increased CO2, the EPA is responsible for AGW. Disbanding the EPA and its dictates seems necessary or we will all die when the oceans finally swallow Denver!

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