Friday, July 15, 2011

Secular Morality Controls the Narrative

Not long ago, Obama removed the ability of health providers who object to certain procedures to be exempted form providing those procedures. At issue was the government’s power to force doctors and nurses to provide abortion, regardless of the consciences of those providers. In the past few weeks tens of thousands of signatures have been gathered on a document asking Obama to reverse that decision, and the document has been delivered to the president. Obama’s decision is one of many that seem to enable the power of the governing to force moral and/or economic decisions that are contrary to those made by individuals.

In Britain a similar battle is being waged, this one between the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and the British Humanist Association. At issue are four cases, two of which are discrimination against the wearing of the cross at work, one of a counselor who declined to advise homosexuals, and one of a “registrar” who refused to marry homosexuals.

The EHRC claims that the British legal system is biased against Christians. The BHA claims that the EHRC is biased toward Christians.

”The BHA has an ongoing complaint lodged with the EHRC over recent comments by its chair Trevor Phillips in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, that the EHRC’s ‘business is defending the believer’. The first response by the EHRC to the complaint and request for the remedy of an apology was that Mr Phillips ‘[stood] by’ his comments and no apology would be made. The BHA is appealing that decision.”


Back in the USA, California Governor Jerry Brown has just signed into law a dictate that all school children be taught that homosexuals are good role models. Apparently, parents are not to be consulted or given notice.

”Sacramento --
“Public schools in California will be required to teach students about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans starting Jan. 1 after Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday signed a controversial bill to add the topic to the social sciences curriculum.

“Textbooks now must include information on the role of LGBT Americans, as well as Americans with disabilities, though California's budget crisis has delayed the purchasing of new books until at least 2015.

"History should be honest," Brown, a Democrat, said in a statement. "This bill revises existing laws that prohibit discrimination in education and ensures that the important contributions of Americans from all backgrounds and walks of life are included in our history books."


“Leno said the mandates apply broadly, though, telling reporters it would affect kindergarten through high school curriculum, "and, of course, in an age-appropriate way."

“Gay rights advocates said they will be vigilant about making sure schools across California comply.

“Carolyn Laub, the founder and executive director of the Gay-Straight Alliance Network, which works to establish gay-straight clubs in schools, said such clubs exist in 55 percent of California's high schools.

"We'll certainly be letting all of our constituents know about this bill, and when it goes into effect I can assure you there will be thousands of students" watching to see how it is implemented, she said.”

SFGate (San Francisco Chronicle)

“Randy Thomasson, president of, a conservative family group, said under the new law parents will have no choice but to take their children out of public school and homeschool them to avoid what he said was "immoral indoctrination." The new law applies only to public schools, not private schools or families who homeschool.

"Jerry Brown has trampled the parental rights of the overwhelming majority of California fathers and mothers who don't want their children to be sexually brainwashed at school," Thomasson said. "This new law will prohibit textbooks and teachers from telling children the facts that homosexuality is neither healthy nor biological."

“The bill was supported by gay rights organizations including Equality California and the Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Teacher groups also said the bill would help students prepare for a diverse and evolving society.

"There is no room for discrimination of any kind in our classrooms, our communities or our state," said Dean Vogel, president of the California Teachers Association. “

ABC Channel 7, San Francisco

Traditional logic does discriminate, though: 0 is not 1; false is not true; bad is not good; abnormal is not normal. Under the new logic of total nondiscrimination, there is no non-valid worldview or personal predilection, except to claim that some worldviews or personal predilections are not valid: to say that would be discrimination, a hate crime, which is discrimination against certain speech. The internal contradiction and paradox is obvious.

Moreover, the schools do discriminate. They allow no non-secular teachings, which means that Humanism and Materialism are promoted and rigidly protected as the only acceptable worldviews in the government schools. That discrimination is A-OK with Humanist Homosexual Materialists, i.e. Secularists. Unfortunately, that is a basic internal contradiction to the entire Secular theory of education, rendering it irrational at best, immoral at worst.

Homeschooled students perform better in every classification of knowledge and ability: this is proven. Check the studies for yourself.

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