Monday, September 19, 2011

Commenter Removal

Another commenter has been removed from the blog.  Some commenters are merely out to jerk chains and see how long they will be tolerated.  Refusal to deal with logical criticism and adapt to logical discussions is an indicator of an individual's attitude of disruption and wastes the time of serious users of the blog.  When these people show up and have been given adequate time to adjust, but refuse to, they are removed.


Martin said...

While this is clearly very true (I never could have gotten through to Robin), I have a feeling it might be a bit overkill to remove them unless they are being out and out abusive. Eventually, I just would have given up.

Manx said...

Unfortunately, giving up is just granting them the victory, and the message you tried to convey is effectively lost.

The Atheo-Left isn't looking to "convince" people using logic and courteous arguments. They just want to silence the opposition, whether through invective or frustration. They are, ironically enough, driven by more religious zeal than the "theists" they so despise. They won't quit jammering, and using logic on their emotionally based worldview is hopeless. A dialogue is only meaningful if the other party is willing to listen - or at the very least willing to put the passive-agressive aspie bullshit aside.

Stan did the right thing. Sometimes, you've just got to take out the trash before it fouls up the entire place.

Stan said...

I didn't remove him because of your thread, I removed him because of my thread with him down on this post:

There comes a time to put the children back at the children's table so the adults can have their conversation without disruption.

FrankNorman said...

I can see why you sent him down the plank. Keeping his older comments around is a good idea - its educational for people to see the Atheist mentality on display.

One of their common little tricks is to pretend to be making one claim, while actually making another.

Chris said...

I would have preferred to have that debate continue until the other
guy blinked!

Stan said...

Having been through this before, I can attest that the disrupters never blink - they are having too much fun disrupting. Similar mentality I suspect to computer virus designers: There is a feeling of power over those who are disrupted.

It is incumbent upon those who are disrupted to remove the intruder.

Actually I have been criticized both ways. I feel the criticism for having indulged the interloper too long is more valid. It takes a while to determine the intent of the commenter; I try to give all commenters plenty of rope. But when it becomes abundantly clear that disruption is the game (it is a game, and gamers can go forever), then they have to be removed or the blog will descend into endless, useless babble, which destroys the serious intent of the blog.