Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rules of the Blog: Found in the Right Hand Column, and now Here:

This blog has been an open blog for most of its history. The intent of this forum is to provide civil discourse concerning Atheism, its validity, practices and any consequences that derive from Atheism, Philosophical Materialism, Science, General Philosophy, and more specifically Ethics. Also it is the intent of this blog to pursue rational thought, its logical underpinning, and the source of rationality in the universe and in ourselves. This necessarily includes science and its misuses.

Disruptive behavior will result in being banned from this blog. I am the arbiter of which behavior is disruptive. However, the term “civil discourse” covers most of the expectations for acceptable commenting behavior. But also included is the refusal to acknowledge fallacious thinking when it is pointed to, and to making unjustified accusations, rude or arrogant or personal attacks, obscenity, and probably a whole page full of other abrogations of civil discourse.

For most, this will be easily met. And I appreciate those who have, and continue to make thoughtful contributions here. My sincere thanks. Addendum: No comments from "anonymous" will be allowed. Choose a moniker; it's easy.

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