Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Yes, It is Sometimes Necessary: Moderation is Back ON.

It should come as no surprise that opening the blog to everyone, including the previously banned, would result in having to implement that ban again. I have republished the RULES of the Blog, for those who don't read the Right column. I will be screening out only one individual at this time.

All others who wish to discuss Atheism using rational, logic based arguments for either pro or con, are welcome to do so, with the caveats in the RULES and below.

If you disagree with anything posted here, then make a rational, logic-based case for your disagreement; other discussion using personal attack, persistence in fallacy usage, false fallacy accusation, failure to own a position or respond to questions with direct answers, and other non-rational nonsense will wind up being nuked, so don't even bother. Obstructionism will not be tolerated; responses from those who own and defend their position are what is desired here.

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