Thursday, August 8, 2013

As Predicted...

...Civil rights activists remain silent on Florida school bus beating video.

It's not that they don't care... Oh wait. If they cared, they'd scream "RACISM", wouldn't they? Wouldn't they? But if the white kid had pulled a gun and killed one of them...


JD said...

The civil rights people aren't on this case because the assailants were arrested, detained, and charged by the police for various crimes.

Civil rights is not a question of race alone; it is a question of injustice in law. The law clearly did their job in this case, so there is no civil rights violation.

God is One said...

Civil rights are political and social freedom and equality in the eyes of the government.

The government arrested the boys who beat the kid. The government is therefore set to give the victim justice, which is the opposite of a civil rights violation.

Stan said...

God is one,
"...the opposite of a civil rights violation."

That is not the case; a civil rights violation is a Hate Crime. Hate Crimes are discriminatory, because they give preferences to certain groups, but not others. E.g. blacks are a protected group; whites are not. In other words, it is a race-preferential punishment system, which in no way is "justice".

So it is not "equality" in the eyes of the government in any stretch of the imagination.

To claim that certain crimes are awarded extra punishment with blindness to race ignores the legal focus and racial focus which has been applied under the "thought crime" laws. These laws were passed with the understanding that blacks (and homosexuals, etc) are to be designated as official, legal Victims... all of onerous white non-Leftist oppressors.

The thought crime experiment nearly fell apart when two protected classes clashed - homosexuals and blacks - leaving officials baffled by two protected categories without an official Oppressor to blame.

God is One said...

Regarding the hate crime issue: there has to be strong evidence that it was a hate crime before they are charged with a hate crime, and such evidence usually isn't collected immediately. A lot of the time, hate crime charges are added on after the initial charges are pressed, simply because they don't have enough evidence at the time of the crime to prove it was racially-motivated.

Even so, as others have commented in the thread, race may not have been a significant aspect of the beating. Although saying a derogatory comment means there might be potential for a hate crime case, an attorney would have show in a court of law that the victim's race was one of the primary reasons for the beating.

So again, no difference in treatment, although failing to charge someone with a "hate crime" when they are already being charged for other crimes is hardly a civil rights violation.

God is One said...

The thought crime experiment nearly fell apart when two protected classes clashed - homosexuals and blacks

I think you misunderstand what is meant by the term "protected class" in law.

"Race" is a protected class not "black".

Stan said...

God is one,
"I think you misunderstand what is meant by the term "protected class" in law.

"Race" is a protected class not "black"."

I think you didn't read what I wrote:

"To claim that certain crimes are awarded extra punishment with blindness to race ignores the legal focus and racial focus which has been applied under the "thought crime" laws. These laws were passed with the understanding that blacks (and homosexuals, etc) are to be designated as official, legal Victims... all of onerous white non-Leftist oppressors."

As Obama has shown, what the law says is inconsequential. What it is used for is consequential. It is used to rally the Democrat base in times of Democrat weakness (such as high number of scandals) by attacking on race, or homosexual issues and brandishing Hate Crimes as a weapon.

As we have seen, whites (or even white surrogates such as "white hispanics" who are 1/4 black) are actively sought out by the race mongers for pursuit (with the compulsory death threats on twitter) by Leftists and black leaders demanding to receive their kind of justice, regardless of judicial outcomes.

There is no corresponding focused national attack on black killers from white leaders.

FYI, in 2010 (last year on FBI record site) the FBI logged 14,748 whites killed by blacks:

How many blacks has Eric Holder prosecuted for Hate Crimes against whites? He has let the Black Panthers walk after the DOJ prosecuter team put together what they said was a clear and solid hate crime case.

Unequal prosecution is not justice, it is persecution.

Stan said...

Further information:
The DOJ doesn't publish the number of its successful prosecutions, which would indicate the number of valid hate crimes under the law. What the DOJ publishes is crimes designated as hate crime by law enforcement.

In Travon Martin's case, the local black sheriff did not even choose to arrest Zimmerman, much less charge him with a hate crime. All that came after the black and Leftist leaders brought down a MSM storm upon the local county officials. The black sheriff was replaced and the rest is history.

The stats for 2011 are here:

There were reported to be one hate murder/manslaughter each for whites and blacks. Clearly this is not a national scourge.

And clearly the charges against Zimmerman were trumped up by the hysterical black and Leftist leadership and MSM, wherein the cries of "open season on blacks" and similar refrains were used to force fear and trembling amongst low-information blacks and Leftists.

Hence it is an obvious political weapon, and it is being used with a heavy hand to separate the races by instilling fear and anger into both whites and blacks.

It is racist and it is obscene.

Stan said...

No one here said that whites are victims, at least not designated victims. Perhaps you haven't internalized what is said here. Here's the thrust, in a nut shell:

Blacks are the victims of the Leftist "social" programs which maintain a great many of them on the Leftist ghetto plantations.

It's a codependent, psychologically unhealthy relationship, based on the power of the ghetto vote.

I think you have missed the point.

142 alcorol said...

"There were reported to be one hate murder/manslaughter each for whites and blacks. Clearly this is not a national scourge."

So, since black people and white people are not an equal proportion of the population, you are saying hate-murders of black people is nine times more common?
That is, a black person is nine times more likely to be murdered for no other reason but the color of his skin.

Stan said...

That sort of logic belongs to the AtheoLeft. What I said, and you quoted, is that hate murders is not a national scourge. Using those types of calculations are necessary to race-baiting, and reverse racism which is actually just basic racism/hate mongering by the Left. If I had wished, I could say that blacks are nine times more likely to kill whites, based on their population and the number of killers within it. That possibly demonstrates the absurdity of your statement, and possibly you will internalize the racism inherent in your selective calculation.

It could also be said that the numbers for each race approach zero, practically speaking. And that is what I was getting at. Only a race agitator would claim otherwise.