Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Conversation Which the Left Cannot Allow

The recent national intense focus on race was started by the attention given to the Zimmerman/Martin case. That case was not designated as "racial" by the police, the prosecution or the defense. It was designated as "racial" by the media, and by the white and black leftist racial agitators. Accompanied by racial slurs on whites in general, Zimmerman was declared to be a “white hispanic” by media agitators, and falsified audio and other media atrocities followed.

That those who are accused of racism should defend themselves is now called racist. That pointing out the lying that the Left indulged themselves in, is now called racist. That pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left's ignoring the daily black on black slaughters in the Leftist ghetto plantations is now called racist. Questioning the Left's actual racist agitation and racial suppression is now called racist.

I admit to not knowing exactly how Martin wound up on top of Zimmerman and got shot; the Leftists, on the other hand, claim to know with precision: it was racial profiling, a mental process inside Zimmerman’s head. To call that faux "knowledge" impossible to ascertain is absurdly called racist.

Many blacks claim to want a conversation on race. What that seems to mean is that they want a platform from which to blame all their issues on someone else, to do it loudly, and to be the sole speakers on the issue. Any sounds from the “Other” would be racist. The Other must silently accept the accusations of the racial agitators.

There are now more and more blacks who demur from such racially incestuous nonsense. I have mentioned a number of them previously, and now I will provide two more. Will they be vilified as being Uncle Toms, or “not black enough” as is commonly claimed of other off-the-reservation blacks? They speak out regardless, and courageously.

Gregory Kane, columnist for the Washington Examiner, writes about Professor Carol Swain, who “demands honesty about Trayvon Martin”.
"Swain, a black woman, became my hero way back in 2002, when she stood her ground before an overwhelmingly black crowd at Delaware State University - a Historically Black College or University - in opposing reparations for slavery.

"More recently, Swain posted a comment of Facebook in which she took Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, to task for what she said was Fulton blowing an opportunity to lead a genuinely meaningful movement for change in America.

"As I did with Miceli, I'll post her comments in their entirety:
"Trayvon Martin's mother is missing an opportunity to lead a social movement. America needs a conversation about the unfortunate plight of thousands of young black men who have adopted unhealthy lifestyles.

"High unemployment, black-on-black crime, and hopelessness are factors that must be addressed. Individual choices and wrong internalized messages have led to the devaluation of human life in the black community at every stage of development.

"The devaluation in human life is reflected in our abortion rates and the willingness to accept high black-on-black murder rates. We can do better!"

"Fulton, and Tracy Martin, Trayvon Martin's father, seem more interested in becoming bona fide left-wingers - under the misguidance of the Revvum Al Sharpton - than in steering young black men away from "unhealthy lifestyles."

"That's why, in all their recent public appearances, both have bemoaned the plight of "black and brown boys." You know you're listening to a bona fide black leftist when that person starts talking about "black and brown" this, that or the other, as if blacks and Latinos are now the same racial group.
And this:

"Miceli summed up the recent killings in Baltimore this way: "The problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all the major cities throughout the United States."

"Now recall how Swain put it:
"Individual choices and wrong internalized messages have led to the devaluation of human life in the black community at every stage of development.

"The devaluation in human life is reflected in our abortion rates and the willingness to accept high black-on-black murder rates."
"Swain is one black American who's faced the nasty truth that the average black homicide victim didn't die like Trayvon Martin, at the hands of a half-white and half- Latino volunteer neighborhood watch captain.

"The average black homicide victim met his fate at the hands of another black man. But don't expect Sybrina Fulton to ever admit that."

These courageous people are outlining the real conversation which must be had regarding race. It is the exact conversation which the Left shouts down, because it outlines their incompetent programs and will result in the necessary admission of their racist codependent suppression tactics in their pursuit of Will To Power.


JD said...

"The average black homicide victim met his fate at the hands of another black man. But don't expect Sybrina Fulton to ever admit that."

According to the Bureau of Justice statistics, 9 out of 10 black victims of murder are killed by black people and 9 out of 10 white victims of murder are killed by white people.

Like I said before, imagine the police saying they were investigating an incident of white-on-white violence. Crime is driven by opportunity and proximity.

“Black-on-black crime” has been part of the American lexicon for decades and it’s no more real than “white-on-white crime.” But unlike the latter the idea of “black-on-black crime” taps into specific fears around black masculinity and black criminality—the same fears made George Zimmerman to focus his attention on Trayvon Martin

Rikalonius said...

Maybe it was the eight robberies committed in the previous fourteen months that caused Zimmerman to focus on Trayvon. Maybe he was thinking about Olivia Bertalan and her infant son who were pleading for their lives as two black man invaded their home, only to run away when they heard sirens?

Could it be that Zimmerman was concerned because statistically speaking blacks are responsible for a hugely disproportionate level of criminal activity.

Was Jesse Jackson experiencing, in your insinuation, unjust fear when he was quoted saying:

"There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start to think about robbery and then look around and see it’s somebody white and feel relieved."

Or was he just speaking the truth?

Stan said...

JD said,
” According to the Bureau of Justice statistics, 9 out of 10 black victims of murder are killed by black people and 9 out of 10 white victims of murder are killed by white people.

These figures fully demonstrate the point, with the caveat that black crime per capita is much higher. And in a racial conversation which singles out a single “white” on black crime for extraordinary punishment and for national attention as a racial issue, the absurdity must surely be seen of the following statements: It is now open season on blacks; whites may now kill blacks at will; blacks are unsafe because whites want to kill them and get away with it.

These statements are racist, they are race mongering, and they ignore the danger to blacks from blacks.

” Like I said before, imagine the police saying they were investigating an incident of white-on-white violence. Crime is driven by opportunity and proximity.”

And still, black on black crime claims far more victims than white on black crime. Blacks are far safer around whites than they are around blacks.

” “Black-on-black crime” has been part of the American lexicon for decades and it’s no more real than “white-on-white crime.””

Both are quite real; that’s the problem in race-baiting: if one makes one type of “Race X” on “Race Y” distinction, then all distinctions and their combinations and permutations are equally valid… unless racism is the goal. In our society, racism is definitely the goal, and it is set by the Left. The Left wishes to find white on black crimes which they can use to further their Narrative of black Victimhood and the hands of white Opressors (Class war). The facts indicate that blacks are far more likely to be victims of blacks.

”But unlike the latter the idea of “black-on-black crime” taps into specific fears around black masculinity and black criminality—the same fears made George Zimmerman to focus his attention on Trayvon Martin”

You cannot possibly know what “fears” or concerns or thoughts or motivations made Zimmerman follow Trayvon Martin. Nor can you know what made Martin jump Zimmerman. Claiming that knowledge is necessary to impute racism to Zimmerman; explain why you think you know the thoughts of Zimmerman.

Robert Coble said...

So I guess we now have a new "one drop rule" - one drop of white blood and you are WHITE (and racist, but that's axiomatic and redundant). Hmmm, maybe the Left ought to re-think that canard, especially in terms of our first truly African-American President. But then we are NOT really expecting logical consistency from the Left, are we?!?

Stan said...

Republicans have consistently and historically fought against the racism of the Democrats, from freeing the slaves,to ridding the US from Democrat racist Jim Crow laws, thereby integrating society completely over the hysterical hissy fits of the Democrats.

White Power separatists and neo-Nazis like David Duke first were Democrats. Duke, for example, supported Republicans after Democrats went full Leftist, one-world, top down totalitarian. His support was not driven racially, but by the fact that the Democrats abandoned freedom-orientation and went full-socialist. Republicans were, and remain, anti-racist, pro-integration, pro-Constitution, pro-liberty, small government, personal responsibiity - at least those who are not obviously RINO leftists.

(RINO = Republican In Name Only; they support Democrats consistently, but run as Republicans).

To claim that all Republicans are racist, or that the Republican Party supports racist policies flies in the face of actual history. So the Leftist media must bastardize history to show whatever fits their narrative.

I invite you to come to the USA and visit as many Tea Party meetings as you possibly can. Then report back on whether racism is evident there or not. I can guarantee that the only attendees who are racist are Leftist dirty tricksters who are race baiters and liars, and they show up only if there are media cameras rolling.

The divide in the USA is not actually race, except in the ghetto districts. The divide which is seen by the Tea Party is between the amoral heathen anti-constitutional socialist Left and the Christian constitutional traditional liberals (now called the "Right" merely by comparison to the radically Leftist Democrats).

Race is an attempt to place a moral smear on the Democrats' enemies, a charge of massive falsness considering the racism which dominates the Democrats, and always has. Republicans have not changed from their position of moral society under the constitution; Democrats have changed the flavor and implementation of their racism.