Monday, August 5, 2013

More on Republicans, Democrats and Racism of the Left

Here are half a dozen random observations:

(1) Calvin Coolidge, a Republican, advocated for civil rights and appointed blacks to positions in government:
"Coolidge spoke out in favor of civil rights. He refused to appoint any known members of the Ku Klux Klan to office, appointed African Americans to government positions and advocated for anti-lynching laws. In 1924, Coolidge signed the Indian Citizenship Act, granting full citizenship to all Native Americans while permitting them to retain tribal land rights."

(2) Warren G. Harding, a Republican, supported "civil liberties for African Americans".

(3) Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat:
"Although Wilson promised African Americans "fair advancing the interests of their race in the United States", the Wilson administration implemented a policy of racial segregation for federal employees.[3] Although considered a modern liberal visionary giant as President, in terms of implementing domestic race relations, however, Wilson was "deeply racist in his thoughts and politics, and apparently was comfortable being so."[4]

(4) Harry Truman, Democrat, was accused, probably falsely, of being a two year member of the Klan. In actuality, Truman favored civil rights for blacks, angering southern Democrats and splitting the party:
"In February 1948, the president submitted a civil rights agenda to Congress that proposed creating several federal offices devoted to issues such as voting rights and fair employment practices.[157] This provoked a storm of criticism from Southern Democrats in the runup to the national nominating convention, but Truman refused to compromise, saying: "My forebears were Confederates ... but my very stomach turned over when I had learned that Negro soldiers, just back from overseas, were being dumped out of Army trucks in Mississippi and beaten."[158] Tales of the abuse, violence, and persecution suffered by many African American veterans upon their return from World War II infuriated Truman, and were a major factor in his decision to issue Executive Order 9981, in July 1948, desegregating and requiring equal opportunity in the Armed Forces.[159] After several years of planning, recommendations and revisions between Truman, the Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity and the various branches of the military, Army units became racially integrated.[160]

Another executive order, also in 1948, made it illegal to discriminate against persons applying for civil service positions based on race. A third, in 1951, established the Committee on Government Contract Compliance (CGCC). This committee ensured that defense contractors did not discriminate because of race.[161][162]

(5) A KKK threat against Carpetbaggers (Republicans from the North). Note that the KKK is a donkey in the cartoon:

(6) The modern Leftist affection for Che Guevara has hit the news; Guevara, besides being a cheerful mass murderer, was racist:

"The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese."

"The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations."


JD said...

Anything from anyone who hasn't been dead for decades?

Stan said...

The characteristics of the new racism are found in the generation of racial animosity: race baiting. Virtually the entire Democrat machine participates in that Leftist passtime.

Race baiting is necessary to keep the low information and black population under the impression that they are not responsible for their condition, that they are owed (entitled), and that the non-Democrats are their enemies who owe them and oppress them and are responsible for their condition.

This is covert racism, which replaced the overt racism of earlier Democrats. To keep ghetto blacks from becoming responsible for their own outcome is absolutely necessary if the Democrats are to maintain their codependent lock on that demographic.

Rod T. said...

This is how the right-wing is trying to steal the lefts wins and claim them as their own.
How the right fights change and then claims to be behind it when the change is won.
Being stuck on labels like 'democrat' is dishonest when they were originally the conservatives, the right wing.

Stan said...

Rod T,

Virtually every civil rights advance has been initiated and accomplished by Republicans (the one exception was Harry Truman). The Democrats fought them all. The Republicans have not changed their stance, which was and is the classic "liberal" stance. What has changed is the Democrat stance which has gone from totalitarian overtly racist (suppression by law of segregation) to totalitarian covertly socialist racist (suppression by laws of codependency).

The Republican stance (except for the RINO quislings) is the exact same: classical liberal. BUT compared to the now Leftist totalitarian Democrats, it can only be to the right.

And under Obama's new policy of "acting without Congress", dictatorship of the left has arisen over the Land Of The Free.