Tuesday, September 24, 2013

DOJ: Keeping Blacks In their Place - on the Democrat Plantation

Outrageous. According to Watchdog.org, the DOJ is preventing many black chidren from leaving poorly rated schools and attending high quality schools using vouchers.
"More than 90 percent of voucher recipients are minorities, and more than 80 percent are assigned to D or F schools."

" Students could leave public schools only if their leaving would shift the demographics away from segregation."

And they'll stay where they're put, if Holder's DOJ has its way. Obama killed vouchers in DC the first day of his administartion. The Left fights vouchers tooth and nail; they lose folks off the reservation if they get real educations. The segregation excuse is an indication of the actual concern held for blacks: no education, that's OK, improper ratio of races: that's criminal.

It's unique, using Rasssism to effect racist ends.


Steven Satak said...

I always wondered about a government that valued diversity over actual education.

Where the hell did we start doing this? I found myself warning my son more and more in high school about the assumptions he was making concerning the world at large.

No one cares if you're diverse. Or if you can knit. They want what they wanted in the late 1950s, before equity of outcome (something even Lewis was moved to warn us was coming) took over and we began the long slide down the hill to the Land of Entitlement. They want engineers and scientists (real ones) and technicians who know what they are doing.

Did we actually vote this crap into power over the years? The teacher unions are especially pernicious. Even my son's school had to suffer many foolish Left-leaning instructors who used their classrooms for indoctrination. Unions prevent any discipline for disseminating propaganda instead of teaching physics.

Meanwhile, it's tough to find a Christmas tree at that school during December. You never know which of the little dears will sue the school for forcing a religious holiday on them...

Michael said...

Stan, there can be no solution without the problem, just as there can be no victim without the oppressor.

Robert P. Coble said...

"Diversity" is one of those amorphous words and slogans (like "Hope" and "Change" and "Global Climate Change") beloved and used by the Atheo-Leftists to mean - whatever they want it to mean (or NOT mean) at any given moment. If challenged to define the word, they will evade and change the subject, usually by directly attacking the questioner's morals (a la Alinsky). It is a code-word for the forced statistical distribution of people in every situation based solely on skin color, with the Messiah class making the determination as to which category of victim class each person belongs. In other contexts, such as opinion regarding abortion, school vouchers, etc., the Atheo-Leftists insist on NO diversity whatsoever. Everyone MUST follow the Messiah "consensus" (even if there is no consensus), which means doing exactly as you are told to do by the Messiahs who inhabit a much higher moral plane than the hoi poloi. Forget about looking up the meaning of these words and phrases in any dictionary; they use the vocabulary in any way they want, without reference to any commonly accepted (or acceptable) meaning. It's Alice in Wonderland (actually Through the Looking Glass) stuff:

'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'

'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.'

'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master — that's all.'

It is another prime example of why Atheo-Leftists cannot be trusted on the basis of what they say.

Stan said...

Robert P. Coble, I love the Looking Glass reference. We're living in similar times to the fantasy world, it appears.