Tuesday, September 24, 2013

FOX Sports Broadcaster Fired For Opposing Same-Sex Marriage While Not Even At Work

Maybe I should start collecting these things for those who are Christian to reference. We'll all suffer this sort of abuse for whatever our beliefs might be, Christian or not, if they are not Leftist approved.

FOX goes over the edge:
“I was shocked that my personal religious beliefs were not only the reason for Fox Sports firing me but I was completely floored when I read stories quoting Fox Sports representatives essentially saying that people of faith are banned from working at Fox Sports,” James told Breitbart News. “That is not right and surely someone made a terrible mistake.”
Craig Jones
No mistake, Craig. You can't hold a job if you have non-Leftist opinions, so never let them be known. Challenging the Narrative is not taken lightly or without punishment where possible.


Michael said...

Is this not demonstrative of the open intolerance of religion? I'm not saying that FOX "news" doesn't have the right to pick and choose who they employ, only that they're exposing their radical progressive ideology and thus are anything but pro-Christian. When you bully people, especially those which make up the largest percentage of the American population, you can expect blowback. Mainstream media has been losing a lot of ground as of late to independent news sources -- that is, they're turning away from the bias and propaganda.

Stan said...

Shortly after this came to my attention, I heard on the radio that the US Air Force is interrogating members who are up for a promotion regarding their religious views with respect to homosexuals. One candidate refused to answer, because the premise is that homosexuals must not only be tolerated, they must be completely approved of as normal individuals. Any religious opinion would be a thought crime by default.

So any candidate with religious associations is designated as unacceptable for promotion because of the anticipation that his religion will conflict with diversity. His actual behavior is not considered, because it hasn't happened yet. So he is profiled as a hate crime in progress.

This is discrimination against religious folk based based on presumption of future bad behavior based on "thought crime".

Michael said...

They brought this issue up just a copule of weeks ago, that one service member was demoted after revealing to a superior, who was reportedly a lesbian, his pro-tradition stance.

The whole issue has devolved into Orwellian "thought crimes," punishable by the State. Pure reverse-discrimination against religion under the mantle of tolerance.

Bob said...

pro-tradition stance?
Nice euphemism.

What about being pro slavery, anti mixed race wedding, against women vote/education?

Also all pro-tradition stances?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob, "same-sex marriage"? Nice redefinition.

How disingenuous of you to equate normality, i.e. marriage between a man and a woman as it has been defined for thousands of years, with slavery, being opposed to interracial marriages and women's rights. You're co-opting other movements in order to promote the illusion that gay people have an inherent right to marry (they don't). That's how it goes with progressive liberalism, redefining words and perverting traditions at leisure until becoming ambiguous terminology without meaning.

As Confucious wrote, "When words lose their meanings, people lose their freedoms."

Michael said...

Sorry about that Stan, I forgot to type my name in the reply.

Stan said...

Taken to the approaching limit, the Leftist definition of Rights is this: Everything we like, we have a right to do and you must tolerate any behavior we choose; if you oppose any such Right to any behavior we choose, then you have committed intolerance and will be punished for your moral SIN.

As de Toqueville pointed out 175 years ago, when equality and tolerance become the only principles for a democratic society, the society has become despotic. (Democracy in America, pgs 301-304).

The Left is the current crop of despots.

Stan said...

I should add that after the French Revolution and following its atheist-driven bloodbath, Napoleon reinstated an Atheist dictatorship of a single man. Under Napoleon, the concept of "egalite', liberte' et fraternite'" was admitted to be reduced to merely equality/fraternity (i.e. tolerance), because all three ideals cannot coexist. So the dictaorships of France always chose equality and tolerance, and shitcanned liberty.

Bob said...

Both of you avoided the point: Traditions change, hence pro-tradition means nothing. It's your way to support an unreasonable opinion regarding homosexuality.

Stan said...

As a curiosity aside, go here for what has been described as the best graphic of all time, Minard's representation of Napoleon's Russian Campaign, where the bloodbath visited on Napoleon' own army is visually demonstrated:


Michael said...

Great info Stan. It's scary how people attempt to resurrect the same faux-principles which history has shown wrought the death and destruction of liberty and culture.

Here are some great, relevant quotes for you.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
- C. S. Lewis

"This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector." - Plato

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” - Voltaire

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." - Thomas Jefferson

"The minute you hear ‘freedom’ or ‘democracy’ – watch out, because in a truly free nation, no one has to tell you that you’re free" - Jacque Fresco

Stan said...

More variations have been created of Minard's map:


Including this geat animated version:


Stan said...

Love the quotes, thanks, Michael. One further correlary to the tyranny of the uber-moral is that they will never, ever quit; they have to be stopped.

That's why they hate the inanimate object: the gun. They know that it must come to the test of their assumed power over the rest of humanity.

Stan said...

As for tradition, Bob is right: all tradition must be destroyed because some of it was wrong, even evil.

So if it is traditional, then by association all traditional principles must be rejected. That includes being against murder, rape, homosexuality and pedophilia, as well as being for private property and personal freedom from infringement.

All gone, because they are traditional. That's part of the Atheist rejectionism which we must adapt to and adopt: it's a moral imperative.

Great! That will allow me to indulge my inclinations toward insurrection as I wish.

Sweet. Thanks Bob.

Stan said...

The above is Reductio Ad Absurdum.

Bob said...

"As for tradition, Bob is right: all tradition must be destroyed because some of it was wrong, even evil."

No, not even close. Michael is the one clearly supporting the idea that tradition is good, just because it's tradition, it's been like that for thousands of years he said! You agree or not?

Michael said...

Stan, that's why the 2nd Amendment is under constant assault. In fact, John Kerry just signed a UN arms treaty which would regulate the trade of firearms which some are saying will pave the way for a gun grab. Here's the thing: no treaty can supercede Constitutional law, so we'll see what happens.

Stan said...

Bob says,
"As for tradition, Bob is right: all tradition must be destroyed because some of it was wrong, even evil."

'No, not even close. Michael is the one clearly supporting the idea that tradition is good, just because it's tradition, it's been like that for thousands of years he said! You agree or not?'"

And it is clearly your position that tradition has no value except for evil and it is to be ridiculed and eliminated.

That conclusion means that whatever hedonism you and the Left define as Good supercedes anything held by tradition.

And that further means that all ethics is definable by yourself and the Left.

And that is the reason that society has been driven into the amoral, hedonist, libertine, profligate, debauched moral sewer - yet by self-moralizing messiahs and controlling corruptors of constitutional rights.

Michael said...

A small handful of judges on the Supreme Court took it upon themselves to decide, by their own authority, to redefine marriage to be all-inclusive, rendering its original meaning worthless. This clearly constitutes an abuse of judicial powers -- the tyranny of a minority. Despite documented evidence of homosexuals wielding their newfound political clout to violate people's First Amendment rights, e.g. suing private business owners to the point where they're forced to close shop, or firing people who disapprove of "same-sex marriage," liberals either feign ignorance or attempt to shift the blame. Up in Canada, they have the audacity to sue clergymen in kangaroo "human rights" courts where the accuser doesn't even have to show up in court(!) -- the burden of proof falls upon the accused to prove their innocence. It's preposterous. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

Bob said...

"And it is clearly your position that tradition has no value except for evil and it is to be ridiculed and eliminated. "

Completely wrong again. Tradition does not mean that it's good, could or could not be. That's all! You 2 are really doing everything you can here on this thread to avoid supporting your opinions....

Stan said...

Bob has been removed due to his intransigence here