Monday, September 30, 2013

We Must Ban Batteries!

Thugs in DC are using tasers for armed robbery.

In other news, a gun seized a man and forced the man to take the gun into a gun-free zone so the gun could shoot up the place. After a tense stand-off, the gun shot the man. Police found the gun quietly smoking while sitting on the floor next to the man. The gun gave no reason for the shooting rampage, and is being held without bond by police. Other similar guns have been quiet about the incident, possibly fearing hate crime type reprisals. "We are forced to stay indoors, mostly" one such neighborhood gun is reported to have said, and most of them are hiding behind locks in safes for their own protection.

A few venture out, always with the protection of people, but their presence is concealed. "If a gun shows its muzzle in public, mass hysteria ensues these days", said one unidentified human friend of guns; "it's quite discriminatory and hateful. We're working on protective legislation for their kind". Another unidentified neighborhood gun reportedly said "if there were no humans, there would be no one to kidnap for crimesprees! We could all live in peace!" But another said, "We just need more friends of guns".

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

It's those double-As, I tell you. I knew they were troublemakers from the day they crapped out in my old Walkman.